Shura God Emperor

Chapter 4537: Out of the question (Part 2)

At this time, Luo Feng's face was full of excitement, and the look of fear that the world would not be chaotic was undoubtedly evident.

"Brother Yu, you are really amazing, you expected it so early, what should I say, you are really my idol!" Luo Feng's eyes were full of stars.

That night Xiao Yu said that something would come to light, but at that time he was still a little strange and disbelief.

Unexpectedly, Fenglanyu continued to come, and the people who came were still so powerful.

With such a big fanfare, in fact, it is easy to guess what their purpose is.

But what Luo Feng knew better was that Baiyuejing was not something outsiders could know.

Especially the essence in Baiyuejing, that is the secret of Duanmu family!

How can you disclose it casually?

But Xiao Yu still didn't know the prophet, and he saw through these with astonishing eyes.

But when Luo Feng remembered it carefully, it was indeed the same.

After all, if it wasn't for any purpose, how could he turn a corner and come to Baiyueling here?

For another example, the person named Mu Haohui, whose strength was in the late stage of the Pure Spirit Realm, actually only fought against Xiao Yu for one round, and then stopped shooting, and chose to take the initiative to admit his mistakes and calm down.

This is not the same as the reaction of the guards before.

After all, judging from the look in Mu Haohui's eyes and the chill, such a person definitely wouldn't give up easily!

But the result was beyond everyone's expectations.

Of course, if you don't think about it carefully, it's hard to think of it, because everyone's attention at the time did not expect Mu Haohui and the others to come for the essence of Baiyuejing.

After all, that is the secret of Duanmu family!

"I heard that the people who came here are very strong, and they are also in the same Dao state." Xiao Yu said calmly.

"Yes, but they didn't immediately embarrass the Duanmu family. They must have endured it. Tomorrow night is fifteen. I think it must be very lively."

Xiao Yu smiled meaningfully and said: "This in itself belongs to the Duanmu family in Baiyue Town. It is impossible for the people of the Mu family to grab it. I want to know what kind of excuse they will use."

It is almost certain that the Maple Blue Domain Mu Family must have come for the essence of the white moon collar, but I don’t know what kind of excuse or method they will use to obtain it?

Luo Feng thought for a while and said, "Apart from grabbing, I really don't know what I can do."

"Instead, I am interested in whether the Duanmu family is thinking of compromise."

"Brother Yu, do you mean... the Duanmu family will let out this essence?" Luo Feng was dumbfounded.

But he thought for a while and said, "But that's right, Duanmu's family is really too soft. How dare they resist?"

"But this way, those disciples will be chilled." Xiao Yu said again.

Luo Feng nodded and agreed.

Xiao Yu finally tried to teach the Mu family that day. It can be said that he earned face for the Duanmu family, and it also gave these children of the Duanmu family more blood.

But when the Duanmu family made these compromises again, the young children of the Duanmu family would surely be hit harder.

"That's why I will talk about how the Duanmu family can solve it." Xiao Yu said lightly.

Luo Feng looked at Xiao Yu weirdly, and said, "Brother Yu, how do I feel that you look like a good show? Don't you want the essence of Baiyuejing too?"

"I want it, but I want the Duanmu family to give it to me willingly."

At this point, Xiao Yu's eyes showed a kind of light.

Then he said: "I will retreat tonight."


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