Shura God Emperor

Chapter 4547: The inner battle awakening (part 2)

The battle continued, and after a full half an hour, the battle became more intense.

From the beginning, the Duanmu family converged, and the people behind Fenglanyu began to make heavy moves, and even some injuries occurred. The Duanmu family finally realized that they could not keep their hands because if they kept their hands, Then it is them who are injured, and they may even be life-threatening.

"Boom boom!"

In an instant, several Duanmu family members were knocked into the air, vomiting blood on the spot and passed out into a coma.

Duanmuqi's injury just now had hurt his internal organs, and his face suddenly turned pale.

Duanmu Mingshan and Mu Guanyong have fought each other for dozens of rounds, but when they got to the back, Duanmu Mingshan’s attention was focused on the tribe in his hand, which caused him to be distracted by the palm of Mu Guanyong. He immediately retreated a few meters.

"Boom boom!"


The screams sounded one after another. There were more than a dozen of them, and suddenly nine of them lost their combat effectiveness, and half of them passed out.

This caused Duanmu Ming's eyes to split and his heart trembled.

What he couldn't imagine was that Feng Lanyu's group of people started to be so cruel!

"Mu Guanyong, what are you going to do!!" Duanmu Mingshan said sharply.

This is his people! Haven't suffered such a big injury in years!

Mu Guanyong said coldly: "Finally know that fighting is cruel? Fighting is about wounding, even the dead. But you can't understand it, because your cowardice, your shrunken tortoise, you can only be in Playing in the mud and sand in your own world, you have no idea what the outside world is like."

Duanmu Mingshan's face became paler after listening.

When Luo Feng in the distance saw this, he couldn't bear it and wanted to make a move, but Xiao Yu was motionless and didn't mean to move.

"Brother Yu?"

Luo Feng looked at Xiao Yu, Xiao Yu carried his hands on his back, his eyes were surprisingly calm, and there did not seem to be much waves.

After a while, Xiao Yu calmly said, "Luo Feng, you haven't gone through too many battles, and you haven't gone outside to wander around, so you don't know how cruel this world is."

"The fist is the power that dominates everything in this world. Without power, it can only be bullied. Poor will change, and change will lead to versatility. The Duanmu family does not understand this principle. Only by receiving the most profound lessons can we truly understand these principles. ."

When Xiao Yu said this, Luo Feng sighed slightly, because he seemed to understand Xiao Yu's intention.

"Brother Yu, what you said is right. As a bystander, it is impossible to be compassionate. Outsiders can't help them understand these lessons, only they have personal experience."

Unconsciously, this sixteen-year-old young man was slowly influenced by Xiao Yu.

Mu Guanyong glanced at the injured Duanmu family with a cold face, and said, "You know, if we weren't thinking about the old feelings a little bit, half of them are dead, resisting, it doesn't make any sense to you. I now give you one last chance, leave here and we will take over Baiyuejing, otherwise, there will be no mercy!!"

When Mu Guanyong uttered the three words "Kill Wushen", his eyes flashed with brilliant flashes of light, surprisingly murderous, even Duanmu Mingshan felt a kind of heart tremor.

The hearts of the remaining Duanmu family members who had been struggling to support them all sank to the bottom.

The fighting stopped for a short while.

However, Duanmuqi's face became more and more ugly, and he struggled more and more. He suddenly stepped forward and said angrily: "We can't get out of Baiyuejing! If you want Baiyuejing, first from my Duanmuqi corpse Step over!"

The next moment, Duan Muqi shouted angrily, his body suddenly exploded, and then he directly rushed towards Mu Wangyong.

"The worm shakes the tree!"


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