Shura God Emperor

Chapter 4548: We are all wrong

Mu Guanyong's eyes shrank, the kind of disdain and contempt in his eyes was like looking at an ant.

The next moment, his palm revolved, the spiritual power of heaven and earth began to condense crazily, and then he slapped the past with a palm.

Earth-level spiritualism!

"Uncle San!"

Duanmu Mingshan's face changed wildly, just because Duanmuqi's movements were faster than he had imagined. In the blink of an eye, he was in front of Mu Guanyong!

Duanmuqi slammed out with the same palm, and the same is also Earth-level spirituality. This palm that gathered the power of his whole body was broken at the moment of the collision, and his arm was suddenly twisted. A ball of twists, the clothes were completely broken, and then shot out like an arrow from the string.


Duanmuqi was heavily shot to the ground, blood staining a piece of clothing in front of him.

As for Mu Guanyong, he just stepped back three steps, his eyes also rising with killing intent.

"Uncle San!"

"A chess!"

Duanmu Mingshan, Duanmu Zelin, and other combat-capable people rushed forward, and quickly helped the injured Duanmu chess.

I saw that Duanmuqi's entire arm was turned into a twist, bloody, and blood soaked his clothes.

"Sanshu!!" Duanmu Mingshan's face was pale.

Duanmu Mingshan was dying, and his internal organs were hit hard.

"I...I can't protect the family...I..." Duanmuqi spit out a few words weakly, laughing miserably.

"But... I know, I... have done my best..."

These words made Duanmu Mingshan and others feel heartbreaking and heartache.

"Unfortunately, I can't avenge...Second Brother......" Duan Muqi gave another miserable laugh.

At this moment, Duanmu Mingshan and others were thunderously struck, completely stunned in place.

This is Duanmuqi's most true thought that has been suppressed in his heart for decades!

For a long time, to a certain extent, the people of the Duanmu family have been swallowing their anger. Even if they are blocked by the Mu family's cultivation resources and cold-eyed by outsiders, they still follow the ancestral motto-don't fight or grab, and they are safe Ground.

But what they might not even think of in their hearts is that they are actually uneasy about the status quo early in the morning, and they want to rise up to resist such voices.

But be a habit, when some invisible shackles surround yourself firmly, some things are difficult to change.

They didn't realize that they were really wrong until Duanmuqi said that sentence.

"Wrong, we were all wrong..."

"It turns out that we are all such people..."

Duanmu Mingshan smiled sadly, Duanmu Zelin and the others were silent, but their eyes showed a crazy gleam.

At this moment, they finally realized that deep down in their bones, they always wanted to resist. They always wanted to avenge the dead Duanmuliang, they were not weak!

Thinking of this, the aura on Duanmu Mingshan's body burst out again, and then turned his head, staring at the wood pouring with disdain.

"Our Duanmu family is not a tortoise, we are warriors fighting for the family! Don't you want to move the plants and trees of our Duanmu family!!!"


Duanmu Mingshan roared, and the spiritual power of heaven and earth condensed crazily and turned into an astonishing light curtain, which immediately covered the past towards the wood irrigation.

Mu Haohui and the others were a little surprised at once, this Duanmu Mingshan unexpectedly burst into such combat power in an instant!

"It seems that they are enlightened."


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