Shura God Emperor

Chapter 4553: Resolutely and die

"Do not!!"

Duanmu Ming's shirt was about to split, and his combat effectiveness was less than two percent. He knew he was bound to die, but he had to maintain the honor of the family!

He is the Patriarch, so he must stand up!

But before he could persuade him, Duanmu Zelin and the others rushed to rescue him, but in the end they all got injured!

Too strong!

Mu Guanyong is so powerful.

All the faces of Duanmu Zelin and others were pale, with no trace of blood. They were holding their chests, and there were various despairs on their faces.


The hoarse screams sounded, and they seemed to feel that their minds had received a sword, shaking and rippling.

Duanmu Mingshan knew that Duanmu Zelin and the others were not dead, he immediately breathed a sigh of relief, and immediately looked at the turquoise sword light that was constantly zooming towards him.

There was a resolute and dying heart on his face.

Yes, Duanmu Mingshan has prepared the heart of death, and what he knows is that he sacrificed for the family, and he has nothing to regret.

Therefore, he closed his eyes and prepared for death.

Mu Guanyong had no mercy at all, and the long sword in his hand became tighter.

Killing Duanmu Mingshan is no different from killing an ordinary person.

The only difference may be that the killing intent in his heart will converge by three points, and anyway, it will retain the same blood.

But Mu Guanyong knew even better that if Duanmu Mingshan didn't kill them, they would not be able to gain a foothold in the Maple Blue Territory in the future.

Seeing this scene, Mu Haohui and the others only showed a look of indifference.

The Duanmu family has been developed for hundreds of thousands of years, and so has their Mu family.

Therefore, by their younger generation, they have no sense of identity or belonging to the Duanmu family, and even the Duanmu family is not as good as a stranger.

If it's a stranger, they don't even bother to take a look.

But what about Duanmu's family? They are the kind of hatred that iron cannot become steel, and they even feel that they don't know the so-called, a kind of contempt.

Because the ancestors of the Duanmu family, although they are also their ancestors, if those die-hards weren't clinging to one place, their Mu family would already be the overlord of the Coffin Continent. How could they have gone through so many twists and turns to reach their current level?

Therefore, deep down in their hearts, the times are such a hatred.

And at this moment, a blood-black Li Mang seemed to be a ghost in the dark night, and it actually attracted the spiritual power of heaven and earth.

A kind of terrifying and silent power shrouded a radius of kilometers!

That's right, the power of terror has made the dark night even more eerie and terrifying.

"This..." As a genius alchemist, Mu Haohui's pupils suddenly shrank.

His perception ability, even Wood Irrigation, was inferior, but at this moment, he was shocked.

"What power is this!?"

Soon, Mu Guanyong and the others also felt this kind of shocking, even the feeling of being firmly strangled in the neck.

The Coffin Continent was originally a place full of vitality. How could such a breath of power ever appear?

And this breath approached extremely fast from hundreds of mountains and kilometers away, and it was as if it were in front of them in the next second.

Of course, the most shocking thing is Mu Wangyong, because he felt that this breath came towards him!


Mu Guanyong is worthy of being a master of Maple Blue Domain, he immediately twisted his body, holding a sword in both hands, and another green light cut across.



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