Shura God Emperor

Chapter 4554: Substantive power

A terrifying shock exploded, and Mu Guanyong's entire body was shocked and flew past, and he dragged a trace of hundreds of meters on the ground to stop his figure firmly.


The Qingmu Jian was directly inserted into the ground by him, his hands trembled a little, but Mu Guanyong's entire face contained a kind of murderous intent.

It's horrible, this power!

This kind of power, even the Patriarch of Fenglan Domain, didn't shock him so much!

It's like the kind of power coming from the land of purgatory to the world. This state of death makes people feel like they have entered a hellish environment, which makes people extremely uncomfortable.

Is Duanmu Mingshan shocked?

He wanted to die, but this kind of power aura was in front of him!

At this moment, he was suffocating, he even had a gesture of bowing his head.

It seems to be the most terrifying power from the sky, not the power of the world at all.

When he fixed his eyes to see the scene in front of him, his expression couldn't help but moved.

This is the appearance of a long-haired young man.

The only difference is that the young man has a bloody, substantive spiritual power burning, and the whole person is like an envoy of purgatory.

That kind of deadly power is diffused from his body!

However, when he saw the figure in the robe, Duanmu Mingshan was even more shocked that he actually seemed to know this person!

It's him!

"It's you!"

Seeing this figure, Duanmu Zelin and others couldn't help but feel moved again.

Junyi's face, that calm yet indifferent face, is indeed the young man who came to their house three days ago!

"It's you!!!" Mu Haohui in the distance saw this face, his face was suddenly full of astonishing chill and murder.

"This kid..." Of course Mu Jian and others were even more shocked.

It was this young man at the beginning, let them retreat in the lobby!

Yes, this person is Xiao Yu.

Luo Feng's eyes flashed with horror.

"Wocao! Brother Yu... Brother Yu still has a hand here!!"

The posture that Xiao Yu suddenly jumped out just now scared Luo Feng a lot.

That kind of power, after an instant burst, even aroused the spiritual power of the world with a radius of a thousand meters!

What is this concept?

Moreover, what made Luo Feng most unbelievable was that Xiao Yu seemed to have completely changed. Is this the Yu brother he knew?

"No! This... the breath of the **** pattern?"

When Luo Feng thought deeply about it again, his pupils suddenly shrank.

He himself is also a **** rune awakener, his **** rune has its particularity, and the rank is also very good, and at the moment just now, he actually sensed that Xiao Yu actually carried a spirit of **** rune. !

This is something he never expected.

He knew that Xiao Yu's power base was very terrifying, so he guessed that when Xiao Yu's palace ranks, it might be a high-level purple rank palace, of course he couldn't imagine a golden rank palace.

Because of this kind of people, the talent is very terrifying. It is almost the super genius of those family members, the peerless genius standing in the world of Nine Heavens, who can have such a rank in the Divine Palace realm.

And Zi Pin Shenfu was also his highest evaluation of Xiao Yu.

Therefore, it is impossible for him to think of the **** pattern.

Because Xiao Yu's fighting background is already terrifying!

Now there is another **** pattern, isn't this a monster?


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