Shura God Emperor

Chapter 4555: I only say once

In fact, what Luo Feng didn't know was that the Shura art used by Xiao Yu was the power of Shura, that is, the power of blood.

The **** pattern and blood line are in the same line and exist at the same time.

Therefore, the power of the **** pattern and the power of blood are similar.

Of course, as said at the beginning, the awakening of the **** pattern not only represents the blessing of the gods, but also a proof of talent.

The appearance of Xiao Yu shocked the audience.

Even if it was Duanmu chess, he opened his eyes in a sickly posture. When he saw Xiao Yu's figure, he actually had a posture of returning to light!

He opened his eyes wide and his heart was full of shock.

What shocked him was that the person who shot it turned out to be him!

A person who has nothing to do with their Duanmu family.

Another is that the power in this person is so terrifying!

"If I'm right, kid, are you the guy who made their heads for them?" Mu Guanyong stared at Xiao Yu, his killing intent rising.

The violent confrontation just now made him unable to escape any benefits, yes, he was shocked.

Even in the Maple Blue Domain, there are definitely no more than three people who can suppress him.

But just now, the kind of bump that wasn't a full blow made him feel lingering.

At this time, his hand holding the Qingmu sword was also trembling slightly.

The sword that Green Wood Sword smashed just now could be said to contain extremely powerful power, but the green light on Green Wood Sword's body was dim.

Enough to show the horror of the other party.

Looking at the blood on the opponent's body mixed with black energy, I don't know why, since Mu Guanyong has a kind of jealousy deep in his heart.

This was really horrible, he had never imagined that such a situation would happen.

Xiao Yu turned his head to look at Duanmu Mingshan. The latter's eyes were extremely complicated, especially when he saw Xiao Yu's power posture, he recalled what Xiao Yu said at that time.

Xiao Yu told them not to be complacent, but to bring forth new ideas, otherwise they would be beaten.

But he didn't realize the seriousness of the problem, and what he didn't realize was that deep down in their hearts, they actually had such an idea.

Therefore, when I saw Xiao Yu again, Duanmu Mingshan had an unspeakable bitterness.

His mouth moved, but after all he didn't say a word.

Xiao Yu certainly understood the mood of Duanmu Mingshan and Duanmuqi.

"You Baiyuejing will not be robbed, because I am here."

Xiao Yu's words made Mu Haohui and other Mu Family's faces shocked.

Mu Jian stepped forward and smiled angrily: "Boy, who do you think you are? This is a matter between us. I really thought that we didn't kill you last time because we couldn't kill you?"

Xiao Yu ignored Mu Jian at all. He looked at Mu Haohui and said blankly: "Leave with your people and vowed never to set foot here. I will only say it once."

As soon as Xiao Yu said this, they didn't know what was going on. They looked at Xiao Yu with an extremely cold-blooded look in their eyes.

This posture is even more impressive than the feeling of looking down on the earth from above the nine heavens, and it makes the soul tremble.

Yes, just one sentence made the surrounding air instantly become cold.

too terrifying!

Both the Duanmu family and the Mu family had their heartbeats speeding up and down, and even held their breath.

What a domineering sentence!

Saying a word makes people tremble!

Who is this man! ?


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