Shura God Emperor

Chapter 4556: Shura Knife

Surrounded by Xiao Yu’s breath of death and silence, and listening to a sentence makes people unforgettable, even like the words of a magic claw dragging their souls. At this moment, they finally realized that they were provoking something. What kind of existence.

No wonder this person has such a powerful combat power in the lobby!

Luo Feng's eyes flickered, braving the little star, and muttering to himself admiringly: "I wipe, Brother Yu is too handsome, right?"

Although it gave him the feeling that he had changed the news of another person, in any case, the domineering and characteristic of Xiao Yu's voice had not changed.

Only Mu Haohui's eyes shone with an astonishing cold light.

He and Xiao Yu stared at each other, but they didn't mean to give in at all.

"Boy, I don't know who you are, but this is my coffin continent, a place you can't afford to provoke!!" Mu Haohui said coldly.

Here, Mu Guanyong must listen to him.

Facing Xiao Yu's power, Mu Haohui seemed very angry.

Seeing them is about to succeed, but whoever thinks about it will fail!

"is it?"

Xiao Yu glanced at it lightly, but this one looked like a person falling into an infinite hell. The **** eyes seemed to be able to swallow them, very terrifying.

It can be said that the look in Xiao Yu's eyes was as if a knife was placed heavily on their necks, and the air solidified again.

Mu Haohui couldn't even imagine that there should be such a terrifying look in the world.

What a murder!

"If I say, all of you can't leave?" Xiao Yu said lightly.

"what did you say!?"

The expressions of the people on the maple blue field changed. Is this kid trying to kill them all?

Duanmu Mingshan and others were all moved.

They could feel that the kind of murderous intent emanating from Xiao Yu's body was heart palpitating.

The air was filled with the kind of atmosphere that made people feel solidified, and it was filled with the fear of the Maple Blue Domain Mu Family.

"Boy, don't talk nonsense here, if you want to stand up, then I will kill you first!"

Mu Guanyong is also really angry.

Xiao Yu never looked at himself squarely from beginning to end, but he was the guard commander of the Maple Land, a great power!

Thinking of this, he yelled violently, and immediately rushed towards Xiao Yu.

"Whispering Wind Kill!"

Of course Mu Guanyong knew that Xiao Yu was not an ordinary person, so when he came up, he practiced his ultimate move.

He was holding the Green Wood Sword in both hands, and a green light began to flash, and a sharp light appeared in Hengkong that cut out a hundred meters.

"What a terrifying sword style! He really kept his hands!!" Duan Mu Mingshan's face changed drastically.

When fighting against him just now, Mu Guanyong hadn't used such a move. He didn't keep his hands on him, but he didn't need to use such a powerful move at all!

If Mu Guanyong had just used it from the beginning, Duanmu Mingshan believed that even if he did not die, he would peel off his skin, and he would have been defeated early!

This has reached the power of the strongest move in the late stage of the Hedao Realm!

"Boy!!! Hurry up!!" Duan Mu Mingshan shouted.

"Hide? Can I?"

Facing the sword that gathered the powerful wood attribute power, Xiao Yu smiled lightly.

But at the next moment, his eyes suddenly opened, and his hand turned, the power of the terrifying blood began to surge wildly, and the blood-black energy began to condense wildly, and then condensed into a red-black long knife.

"Wocao! This kid... the Shura knife with the power of the bloodline!"


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