Shura God Emperor

Chapter 4574: The world in the tree


Even with Xiao Yu's disposition and concentration, he couldn't help being shocked.

This is a spatial world completely filled with green light.

Countless green streamers, green light spots, and even green things that seem to be formed are quietly flowing, blooming, and gleaming in this world.

That kind of warm and comfortable breath of life that made people feel warm, made Xiao Yu's whole person into an extremely peaceful state.

This state has never been in contact with him before.

Or maybe it was because he himself was an innate life spirit body, and he felt very familiar with this kind of pure to the extreme, rich and terrifying life spirit.

Xiao Yu felt that his entire physical body was about to melt in this space.

Even if Luo Feng is not an innate life spirit body, but that kind of sensitivity to the spiritual power of heaven and earth is very keen.

Heaven and earth spiritual power is not a specific attribute power, but here in the Coffin Continent, it is naturally a pure heaven and earth spiritual power that contains the earth and life.

To be honest, for Xiao Yu's cultivating spirit body, this is naturally much more effective.

The benefit that follows, of course, is that it can accelerate Xiao Yu's realm of strength.

Although his method of breathing is dragon swallowing qi, and even the method of natal cultivation is Shura tactics, the physical body is a big whole.

While the strength of other hair aspects is increased, of course, other strengths of your body can also be improved.

This is somewhat similar to the situation of "comprehension".

The space is full of life, which is undoubtedly refreshing, refreshing, and even wanting to stay here forever.

Is this the world of the tree of earth veins?

All the lives of the white moon-collar are conceived here.

"Yes, as you can see, this is the world of earth veins. It can be said that the energy of this earth vein world is eternal. According to the records of our ancestors in the white moon collar, it should have a history of tens of thousands of years." Duanmu Mingshan looked at the green world, exclaimed.

Xiao Yu and Luo Feng couldn't help being a little surprised.

Qiong Qi pondered: "The history of this Duanmu family is really quite long. If the family of tens of thousands of years is talented enough, it won't be so advanced."

The Golden Wing Roc agreed: "Yes, for tens of thousands of years, there have been unpredictable and unpredictable changes. Too many families have flourished and then declined again."

Xiao Yu nodded secretly in his heart. What he could imagine was that the predecessor of the Coffin Continent, that is, this continent plane, could imagine how beautiful, outstanding and outstanding.

And this is just a collateral family!

No wonder the ground veins are so top priority.

Duanmuqi's eyes dimmed and said: "It's just a pity that we have such a good world advantage, but we are not able to train powerful family children, and even the entire Duanmu family has become so decadent."

The entire Duanmu family in Duanmu Qikou naturally includes the Duanmu family clan, as well as all collateral families.

What can be heard from his tone is that the entire Duanmu family is having a very bad life. They are just clenching their teeth and insisting, but in their hearts they have to admit the fact that the family has declined. This is indeed a very sad thing.

However, Xiao Yu discovered one thing, that is, Duanmu Mingshan's fists were clenched, which represented his unwillingness.

After all, after experiencing tonight's things, all the Duanmu family cannot be peaceful.

"Little brother, please tell us how you feel. I promised Duanmu Mingshan that I will repay you well!"

Duanmu Mingshan suddenly turned around and stared at Xiao Yu closely. For the first time, a look of such desire appeared in his eyes.


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