Shura God Emperor

Chapter 4575: The changing earth world

Xiao Yu nodded, and he immediately took a step, feeling the rich vitality around him.

In fact, he just accidentally discovered some improprieties in the spiritual power of heaven and earth here, so it wasn't really a help.

And it's just that he felt very strange and interested in this in his heart, so he wanted to help find out the reason, because for Xiao Yu, it was just a matter of effort.

Yes, Xiao Yu intends to use Tianmu branches to draw out the improprieties of this world.

"You feel it too?"

When Xiao Yu had this idea, the branches of Tianmu had already begun to flutter in the wind.

This strange tree and Xiao Yu's mind became more and more connected.

In the face of such a large energy world, it is difficult to truly sense what is wrong with Xiao Yu's soul consciousness, or the state of a happy soul.

There are only Tianmu branches that can affect even a large formation of enchantment attacks. It is conceivable that only the Tianmu God formation can be shot here.

Xiao Yu closed his eyes tightly, and the branches of Tianmu began to spread from his soul consciousness.

The Tianmu branches were originally invisible things, but when it spread from Xiao Yu, Duanmu Mingshan's expression suddenly changed.

Yes, he is the Patriarch of the Duanmu Family, the leader of the White Moon, so only he alone can open this space and enter the world of earth veins.

Therefore, he is also the most sensitive in all perceptions in the earth veins.

"What is this?"

But even he had never seen such a weird thing spreading out of Xiao Yu!

This kind of thing gave him a very dangerous feeling, but that feeling was so magical.

This kind of magic is as familiar as the feeling of being by your side all the time.

Of course, it was not the first time that Duan Mu Mingshan felt the strange power on Xiao Yu's body.

Especially the kind of murderous gesture just now was simply shocking.

Soon, Duanmuqi and the others also sensed that a very strange power aura filled Xiao Yu's body.

"This kid, before I suspected that he was not a member of a big family, these powers definitely cannot be obtained by ordinary chance." Duanmuqi thought in his heart.

At this time, Duanmu branches had begun to grow wildly and slowly, and then slowly spread into the space, with Xiao Yu as the center, covering a full hundreds of meters.

At the end of the branches, the branches of Tianmu began to slowly penetrate into these energies.

The ends of countless branches began to gleam slightly, which surprised onlookers like Luo Feng.

But in the next second, a look of shock appeared on their surprised faces.

Just because the next moment, suddenly the whole green world began to change color, from a kind of emerald green, then to dark green, and finally to a black green!

Yes, it is black and green!

"What's going on!?" Duanmu Mingshan and others' complexions changed wildly.

This is obviously the world of earth veins! How could it become like this?

The most strange thing is that this kind of heaven and earth spiritual power is still so rich, but it feels very heavy.

It's like, obviously it's very huge and pure energy for you to absorb, but it feels heavy, and the absorption makes the whole human body feel extremely heavy.

That's not a real pleasure, because the practice is to let go of the body and mind, and accept the spiritual power of heaven and earth with all the body and mind.

This feeling is like being forced, very uncomfortable.

Suddenly, the whole black and green world changed again, and countless flashing lightning flashed like formation.

Xiao Yu's eyes dazzled, and the light began to flicker.

"Come out, I know you are inside."

Duanmu Mingshan was shocked, and there are people in the earth vein! ?


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