Shura God Emperor

Chapter 4577: Spirit of Earth Vein (Part 2)

When Duanmuqi said this, Duanmu Mingshan finally realized it.

In other words, this is the patron saint of their white moon-collar!

"Senior..." Duanmu Mingshan raised his head and called out softly.

In any case, since it is related to their Duanmu family, they should all be called seniors.

"Oh, what I didn't expect was that Baiyueling had declined to such a point here. I thought that after hundreds of thousands of years, I would disappear forever in this world as you perish." The Spirit of Earth Vessel sighed, his voice actually contained the sadness of wireless.

But these words sounded like Duanmu Mingshan and the others sounded like a bolt from the blue, and the expressions of the three of them changed drastically.

Will perish after hundreds of thousands of years!

This means that their Duanmu family is exhausted!

"Senior, why did you say such a thing? Could it be that our white moon collar has reached the point of extinction?"

"Why? We Baiyueling has thousands of years of history, how could we perish..."

Duanmu Zelin and Duanmu chess are very unbelievable.

Although the family they knew in their hearts was in a state of constant decline, they never thought of going to extinction!

They don't fight or grab, they don't fight in the world, and the white moon-collar has no treasure, and there is a very small probability that it will cause foreigners to fight.

What's more, the Duanmu family has been here in the Coffin Continent for more than tens of thousands of years, and they still have the same ancestor as the Mu family!

How could the Duanmu family be destroyed so quickly?

No matter how bad it is, at best it is not a constant decline and the loss of talent in the family.

They had never thought of this before, so they thought it was so incredible the first time they heard it.

But Xiao Yu was slightly silent, because he seemed to think of something.

Duanmu Mingshan has thoughtful thoughts that ordinary people don't have. Perhaps he has experienced the roundup of the Fenglanyu people. This makes him, the Patriarch, feel that he has to stand up, so he thinks more.

"Excuse me, Senior, if there is any curse in our white moon-collar, if it is true, I hope Senior to inform." Duan Mu Mingshan clasped his fists and bowed his head and said sincerely.

If it hadn't been for Xiao Yu to remind him, he would never have known that Bai Yueling had been subjected to such a severe provocation.

"What is the truth of the facts, why bother to ask the roots? Maybe this is destined." The spirit of the earth vein said quietly, and he did not directly answer Duanmu Mingshan.

But the more this happened, the more they panicked Duanmu Mingshan.

Gradually, their consciousness seemed to have become acquainted with something, and they thought of the so-called curse Xiao Yu said, and some changes in their strength over the years.

"Senior, our clan is now facing the test of life and death, and I still help our seniors." Duan Mu Mingshan said heavily again, enough to see how determined his determination is.

"Sometimes the closer you are to the truth, the more disappointed you will be, and the more disappointed you will be, the more desperate you will be." The Spirit of Earth Vessel continued.

And it's such a tone, that Luo Feng felt dumbfounded when he heard it. Isn't this just anxious?

Looking at the Duanmu family, their complexions are almost turning pale.

And at this moment, Xiao Yu seemed to be unable to bear it anymore, and said, "Senior meant that he already knew about this, but he chose to hide it, right?"

Who knows, Duanmu Mingshan and the others felt a bolt from the blue after listening.

The spirit of the earth veins conceal the truth?

What the **** is going on! ?


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