Shura God Emperor

Chapter 4578: Oneself harm oneself

"Brother, tell me! What the **** is going on? Tell me!"

Duanmu Zelin was holding Xiao Yu's shoulders excitedly. His pale face made people feel distressed when they saw him.

After all, they are all for the survival of their own family, and they are the people of the family wholeheartedly!

The family is their lifeblood and their belief. Now that they heard the spirit of the earth veins, a white moon-collar, and even the consciousness guarding Duanmu's family speaking such words, how could they not be afraid?

This is not telling them that the Duanmu family, the leader of the white moon, has entered a life-and-death situation and is not far from death.

Moreover, they seem to be powerless, unable to do anything!

What is called the closer to the truth, the more disappointed. The more disappointed, the more despair you will feel?

They have reached the brink of despair!

Xiao Yu saw that the face in the sky didn't look like a wave, and even his eyes were unwavering. This made him even more aware. If it weren't for the role of his Heavenly Wood God Formation, I'm afraid it would have been stunned There is no such thing as the spirit of the earth veins.

The Duanmu family will forever sink into this kind of concealed, even a kind of pretending to be very comfortable, very stable life, and then slowly decline to perish.

What a cruel practice this is!

However, Xiao Yu was not an ordinary person, he was farther than ordinary people thought, and he seemed to know some of the reasons.

Therefore, he still couldn't bear to see such expressions on Duanmu Mingshan.

The three of them all looked at him with a look of desire, which made Xiao Yu's compassion hidden in the depths guilty.

He was never a cold-blooded and ruthless person, but he came to a higher plane. In this world where interests are paramount and fists are king, he must protect himself.

But facing the Duanmu family, he felt a trace of sadness, and at the same time made him truly feel that in the world of nine days, there are still many people with kind hearts.

Xiao Yu took a deep breath and finally said, "I don't know if this is considered a curse, but all I know is that your earth veins world should be under some kind of forbidden secret method."

"Forbidden secret method!?"

"how come……"

Duanmu Mingshan and the others felt that the sky was dark.

The Earth Vein World is their lifeblood, the Duanmu family, and the source of energy for the white moon-collar to survive!

Doesn't this mean that, from birth to the present, the bloodline and power of all the people in the white moon collar are actually affected by these so-called taboo secrets?

Duanmu Mingshan suddenly realized, his pupils shrank, and said: "How is it possible, you mean, this has already existed, and senior..."

After that, Duanmu Mingshan immediately looked at the face in the sky.

Duanmu Zelin and Duanmuqi also reacted one after another, their heads were blank.

The meaning of Xiao Yu's words is actually very clear, that is, this so-called taboo secret technique was dropped into the earth vein world early in the morning, and the spirit of earth veins had known it early.

Its silence is the best evidence!

Of course, in other words, to a certain extent, the spirit of the earth veins is the chief culprit who pushed their white moon leader Duanmu family toward destruction!

Yes, Xiao Yu thinks so too, even though he doesn't want to think so, but this is the truth in all likelihood.

Luo Feng was dumbfounded, and immediately murmured, "I'm hurting my own person? This is too weird..."

Duanmu Mingshan's eyes were full of bloodshot eyes, he suddenly knelt on the ground, his eyes dull, could you say: "Why...what the **** is going on..."

Finally, the spirit of the earth veins sighed, and finally said: "Since you already know, I might as well tell you. If I didn't do this, you would have already perished."


Once again, Duanmu Mingshan, Duanmu Zelin, and Duanmuqi's heads roared again.

Xiao Yu was surprised, what happened in this?


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