Shura God Emperor

Chapter 4581: Contraindications

Everyone present except Xiao Yu was shocked.

"Senior, why did you say that?" Duan Mu Mingshan's face was pale, and he asked quickly.

Will the earth vein disappear when it is lifted?

Isn't it weird?

"Because your earth vein spirit has been integrated with this forbidden secret method. To eliminate this so-called taboo secret method, one of the methods is equivalent to killing the spirit of the earth vein. When the spirit of the earth vein dies, the heaven and earth spiritual power of the white moon collar It will lose the part of life attributes, and this area will soon become a third-rate land."

Xiao Yu said his thoughts in one breath.

But Duanmu Mingshan and the others seemed to have received a heavy blow, and it took a long time for them to recover.

"How could could..." Duanmu Mingshan muttered to himself, obviously unable to accept such a fact.

Duanmu Zelin and Duanmuqi even felt cold all over.

They finally understood why the spirit of the earth veins said that if they did not guard this forbidden secret method, the white moon leader Duanmu family would be ruined.

This is because once the taboo secret is known to them, they will definitely find a way to eliminate it. At that time, it will be equivalent to self-destructing the foundation!

Without the life attribute and spiritual power, the practice of the Duanmu family will plummet, and the decline of the family will show a geometrical speed drop!

Imagine that whether it is the Duanmu clan or the collateral family, they all rely on the earth veins, and in a state of recirculation, the entire family is in a strong package of heaven and earth spiritual power.

But over the past tens of millions of years, the Duanmu family is still in decline.

One of the reasons is because they live and work in peace and contentment, working behind closed doors and not seeking progress.

Under such circumstances, every collateral area or clan of the Duanmu family began to decline from time to time. What if there is no ground vein?

What a terrible situation is that?

Duanmu Mingshan was the first to react and said in shock: "Senior, you start to say that after hundreds of thousands of years, you will disappear into this land with our demise. Could it be that..."

Duanmuqi and Duanmu Zelin were shaking violently when they thought of something.

"Yes, this forbidden secret method, even if it is not artificial, will start by itself in a hundred years at the earliest, and then wipe out me." The Spirit of Earth Vessel said calmly.

But there was too much sadness in his voice.

"Impossible! Impossible!!" Duanmu Ming's face was as gray as death.

When he was already kneeling on the ground, he was paralyzed instantly.

He felt that the whole world was grey and his head was blank.

"How could this be, how could this be..." Duanmu Mingshan muttered to himself, completely disbelieving what he had heard.

Xiao Yu sighed slightly in his heart, and Luo Feng also felt unbearable.

To put it simply, the white moon collar will perish sooner or later!

And it still came so quickly than they thought.

The Duanmu family has gone through thousands of years. Although it has been declining, but it has been reduced to destruction, they are simply unimaginable.

They are the oldest and most native family in the Coffin Continent, and they are citizens of the Coffin Continent!

In other words, they will be spurned by the Coffin Continent hundreds of years, or even a century later.

The spirit of the earth veins said quietly: "So, I chose to be silent, because if I disappear with this secret method now, the white moon collar will not last a month, the power in your body will continue to dry up, and your life will flow faster."

"But if I keep hiding it, you can live a little longer."

Duanmu Mingshan smiled miserably: "What's the difference between this and lingering? Don't we live enough these days?"

There is silence in the earth vein world.

Yes, they obviously started to resist and break through their inner barriers, but God played them such a big joke.

Isn't this very ironic?

"There should be other ways, right?"

Xiao Yu suddenly spoke, looked at those old eyes in the sky, and asked.


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