Shura God Emperor

Chapter 4582: The taboo secret method of connecting clan

Duanmu Mingshan and others seemed to have grasped some life-saving straw. For a time, Duanmuqi and Duanmu Zelin both knelt on the ground one after another. Of course, they were asking for the spirit of the earth vein.

Duanmu Mingshan was also shocked, sincere and dying, saying: "Senior, you must tell us that no matter what method is used, even if it is to sacrifice my life, I will not hesitate!"

After that, he bowed down on the ground.

Duanmu Mingshan's reaction at this time, and Xiao Yu, Luo Feng and the others before, or the weak appearance that they encountered at the beginning is simply different.

Although Xiao Yu was an outsider, in his heart, he also wanted to see the Duanmu family's idea of ​​breaking through the psychological closure, and then resisting the prosperity of the family.

Now, Duanmu Mingshan and the others have done it, and he seems to have the satisfaction of helping others in his heart.

Perhaps what Xiao Yu himself didn't know was that even though he had gone through countless hardships to reach a higher plane, in his heart, this young man still had the original intention and compassion deep in his heart.

Therefore, seeing the sincere attitude of Duanmu Mingshan and others for the family, Xiao Yu also wanted to help them.

Because of this, Xiao Yu told Duanmu Mingshan and the others what he felt.

Because he felt that the spirit of the earth veins seemed to have something to hide.

Sure enough, the spirit of the earth veins sighed and said: "Why is this?"

The eyes of Duanmu Mingshan and others lit up, which means there is really a way!

"Predecessors! Please tell us! Our Duanmu family has swallowed our breath for so many years, and we have lost our eyes. Even if there is a one-tenth chance of helping the descendants of the family, I am not afraid even if we die!" Said in awe.

From his eyes, you can see that powerful attitude toward death, which can't be pretended casually, it is from the heart.

After a long while, the Spirit of Earth Vein finally opened his mouth and said: "Child, there is no way, but it is extremely thrilling. With a slight mistake, all the bloodlines of the entire Duanmu family will be lost, do you know?"

Duanmu Mingshan and others were moved, and even Xiao Yu was surprised.

Slightly worse, the whole person with the blood of the Duanmu family will fall into a kind of eternal disaster! ?

How horrified this is!

Xiao Yu groaned: "No wonder I have felt other spirits of life from far away in this world. It seems that it should be from other collateral families."

Duanmu Mingshan and others looked at Xiao Yu in surprise.

To be honest, the world of the earth veins is the source of energy for the white moon collar, even the Patriarch Duanmu Mingshan will not come in often.

Moreover, the spirit of the earth veins is also the first time he has encountered it today, so how could he know that this earth vein world is actually connected with the earth vein worlds of other sideline families?

In fact, if you think about it carefully, you can easily figure it out.

After all, every Duanmu family has a ground vein, there is also a ground vein world in the ground vein, and naturally there is also the spirit of the ground vein.

The spirit of the earth veins that appeared in front of them was nothing but the "guardian soul" of their white moon-collar.

But then, Duanmu Mingshan seemed to have thought of something, and said in horror: "Could it be...does other collaterals also have this taboo secret?"

"Yes, this taboo secret is to connect the entire Duanmu family."

Xiao Yu raised his head, his eyes flickering slightly, and he took the words and added: "In other words, the collateral family is rooted in the clan. This forbidden secret method is transmitted by your clan to each collateral family through the transmission of blood. In the veins of the earth."


Duanmu Mingshan and others felt themselves roaring again.


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