Shura God Emperor

Chapter 4583: Shocked

To be honest, the shock they received today is really too great and terrifying.

When Duanmu Mingshan and others couldn't imagine, the news they heard today was even more shocking than what they had heard in the previous decades.

Perhaps this is destined.

The Duanmu family has been quiet for so many years, not familiar with the world, and will not choose to rise, so of course I don't know that such a big thing has happened within the entire Duanmu family.

The white moon-collar, like all other sideline families, has earth veins and spirits.

However, the ground veins of all these collateral families come from branch veins, and they are all connected with the ground veins of the clan!

Therefore, in simple terms, the white moon-collar had this taboo secret method, then there must be a problem on the clan side, so it was passed to their ground veins.

Therefore, Duanmu Mingshan and the others felt the roar of their heads again.

After all, this is not just about their white moon-collars, or even the blood of the entire Duanmu family!

"Then what to do...Does the clan know about it?" Duanmu Mingshan muttered to himself.

At this time, he was not only worried about the safety of his family, but also worried about the situation of the clan.

It is enough to see that although Bai Yueling is a collateral family here, he still cares about the clan.

The spirit of the earth veins said: "This forbidden secret method works from the clan, so if it really wants to decline, the earth veins on the clan side must be the first."

Although the words of the spirit of the earth veins are very calm, it still gives people the feeling of disappointment, which makes people feel vicissitudes and depression.

Perhaps even the spirit of the earth veins, the spirit of ten thousand years, knows that the chance of trying to save is too small.

Xiao Yu said: "In other words, there is no way, but I have to go to the clan, right?"

Xiao Yu looked at that old face and asked.

The Spirit of Earth Vein said: "Yes. As I said just now, this method is very dangerous. A careless person can easily affect all the children of the Duanmu family."

Xiao Yu shook his head lightly, and muttered, "But if you leave it alone, how is this different from killing them?"

Duanmu Mingshan and the spirits of the earth veins became silent.

Yes, the idea of ​​the spirit of the earth veins is very simple. If this taboo secret is left alone, then the people of the Duanmu family can live for more than a hundred years, at most it will only slowly decline.

But once you choose to touch this forbidden secret method to try to get the Duanmu family to get rid of this weird curse-like thing, then there is a great possibility, or almost certain, that all the children of the Duanmu family will fall into It's overwhelming.

Luo Feng asked strangely: "Actually, I'm very curious. You just said that this is a forbidden secret method. This secret method allows you to leave the family's territory at most, and then weakens your power. Is it so serious? To the blood of all the children of the Duanmu family."

"Young man, you don't understand."

The Spirit of Earth Vein explained that at this moment, the aura fluctuations in the entire Earth Vein world began to oscillate.

"This kind of forbidden secret method has been deeply rooted in the blood of every Duanmu family. I tell you this, in simple terms, the forbidden secret method only allows you to leave the family area and have some power effects. But in the long run, your talent and strength will be suppressed by a certain taboo, and these are the terrifying aspects of taboo secrets."

Xiao Yu's eyes suddenly flashed with a cold light, that is to say, this so-called taboo secret method not only stopped the Duanmu family's way of prosperity, but even led them to perish!

Duanmu Mingshan, Duanmuqi, and Duanmu Zelin were completely stunned and completely stunned.


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