Shura God Emperor

Chapter 4588: Shocked Bai Yueling (Part 2)

Everyone immediately returned to the Duanmu family.

At this time, the sky was already bright, and the whole Baiyue Town was already lively.

After all, in the middle of the night, when Mu Haohui and the others headed towards the "forbidden land" they knew, they knew that something was bad.

But when no one expected, early in the morning, news came that Mu Haohui and his party were killed.

In addition, Duanmu family members have also been injured a lot, and some of them have been seriously injured.

"Last night there was a loud fighting sound from the forbidden area. It seems that the Duanmu family and the Mu family are already firing."

"But...According to the strength, the Duanmu family can't win on the bright side! There is no chance of winning at all."

"Don't you know? When the dawn broke, all the bodies of Mu Haohui and the others had been carried out. It is absolutely impossible that Patriarch Mingshan and the others did it!"

Everyone was shocked again and again.

After all, no matter how you say it, the strength of Duanmu Mingshan is known to everyone in Baiyue Town.

Mu Guanyong is the Captain of the Maple Blue Domain, and Mu Haohui is also the Young Master of the Maple Blue Domain, so it is impossible to hide this matter.

Many white moon-collar people are beginning to worry about the Duanmu family.

After all, once Fenglan Yu's anger was poured out, it would be impossible for the white moon-collar to bear it.

But who knows, the Duanmu family immediately released even more shocking news that the culprit who killed Mu Haohui and others turned out to be a foreigner!

Obviously, such a statement is easily accepted and relieved.

After all, even if they give the Duanmu family an ambitious leopard, they can't kill the people of Fenglanyu!

All of the more than a dozen corpses were sent to Fenglanyu by people.

But even so, Duanmu's family is in fear.

Others may be ignorant of what happened, but the senior management of the Duanmu family knew it.

The fact is that the people of Maple Blue Domain wanted them Baiyuejing, and then they planned to kill Duanmu Mingshan, and finally the young man took the initiative and killed their gang to put the matter down!

And the young man had to carry this pot by himself.

As for many children of the Duanmu family, they also heard about it from their elders, and even the family was silent.

Therefore, they can only do it now.

On the other side, under the leadership of Duanmu Mingshan, Xiao Yu and Luo Feng quietly walked into an underground passage of the Duanmu family mansion.

Xiao Yu is being talked about by the whole city now, so he can't come forward, otherwise it will be spread out to be the Duanmu family protecting Xiao Yu, if this is spread out, Fenglanyu will definitely come to destroy the Duanmu family.

After all, Duanmu Mingshan and the others are very clear, even if the Duanmu family can work together, but there is no guarantee that the white moon collar is like this.

Otherwise, Baiyuejing's matter would not be passed on to Fenglanyu's mouth.

However, at the same time, all the members of the Duanmu family, the leader of the white moon, were summoned back by Duanmu Zelin, saying that it was the family's main retreat for practice and activated Mutanquan's spirit gathering formation.

With that said, the whole family was shocked.

Because in their impression, it was only ten years ago that Duanmu Mingshan had just taken over the position of the new Patriarch, and only once had Mutanquan's Spirit Gathering Formation started!

Now Duanmu Mingshan suddenly said that he was going to turn it on. Could this be a sign?


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