Shura God Emperor

Chapter 4589: Unity

At noon, Duanmu Zelin was in the backyard, and all the clansmen had been counted.

The clansmen of Baiyueling live in the vicinity of Baiyueling all year round, and will not go out more than a hundred miles away from Baiyue Town. Such a summoning, of course, everyone rushed back.

"Patriarch is going to retreat? Is it because you have to deal with Maple Blue Domain?"

"But this has nothing to do with us! Mu Haohui and the others weren't killed by the Patriarch after all, and many elders were injured, and some were still in a coma."

"That's the case, Mu Haohui and the others are staying with us! If something happens here, we are always responsible!"

"Oh, it's all that kid, if it weren't for him, it wouldn't hurt us so miserably!"

"It's not like that! If it weren't for him, Mu Haohui and the others would be so proud! We would have been looked down upon."

"Hmph! They went to the forbidden area, it must be for that thing, they all deserve it!"

When everyone heard it, their hearts were a little bit stunned. They felt that they were very happy, and they felt that they were more than dead, and at the same time they were a little worried.

Only the core children know about the essence of Baiyuejing, and many children don't know it.

This part of the core children of course knew that Mu Haohui and the others had definitely gone for the essence of the sun and the moon.

That being the case, then they deserve it!

But in any case, Mu Haohui and the others are already dead, which makes them feel a little worried deep in their hearts.

No one thought that things would happen to this point.

"Presumably you already know what happened recently. Now the Patriarch is about to enter a state of retreat. I call you here to tell you that in the next six months, you must be psychologically prepared." Duan Mu Zelin said in a deep voice. .

The children of the Duanmu family knew what Duanmu Zelin was talking about, and they seemed very nervous.

Once the Spirit Gathering Formation was activated, their cultivation speed would drop by half within half a year.

To be honest, half a year’s time is not too much to say, but not too much to say less.

According to the ancestral motto, the Patriarch will not activate Mutanquan's Spirit Gathering Formation unless he is forced.

That kind of thing happened last night, and now it is said to be a retreat, and that is what really happened to the Duanmu family.

"I have one month left to break through. Now it seems that my cultivation progress is going to be delayed?"

"I am also going to go out to find a spirit beast as my demon pet, so it will be half a year later."

It seems that a part of the children vent their dissatisfaction, but of course they can only mutter and dare not say it.

Since they are the children of the Duanmu family, they must keep this promise.

After all, the enemy is currently, and only by unity can we keep them.

It's just one thing, it's naturally impossible to get everyone's approval, not to mention, it has a big enough impact for their half-year cultivation.

Duanmu Zelin said awe-inspiringly: "We Baiyueling has been struggling to survive until now. It is time to stand up. In fact, we were all wrong before. We should not be so cowardly. We have to become strong and grow our family. If you have to take into account your own little interests at all times, the Fenglanyu incident will happen again that day! Even our entire Duanmu family will be eradicated!"

As soon as this remark came out, everyone looked moved.

The scene of that day, they are vividly remembered.

The people of Fenglan Domain turned to the guest, and they couldn't help it.

But no one thought that Duanmu Zelin would say so seriously.

Duanmu Zelin scanned the crowd and said coldly: "You can doubt my words, but I think you know one thing. The family is going through an unprecedented crisis. This crisis involves the lives of all of us! What if! If you still treat yourself as a member of the family, you should support the family's decision wholeheartedly! Otherwise, you will be in a state of unrest!"

Come on, Duanmu Zelin began to sit up cross-legged, and he began to relax his mood.

The elders of the other Duanmu family also sat cross-legged one after another.

"Yes! The enemy is now, we must unite!"

"It's only half a year. Since it's a major event in the clan, I must stand up!"

"Yes! I also want to contribute to the family!"

"We can't be bullied anymore!"

All the children of the Duanmu family sat cross-legged.


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