Shura God Emperor

Chapter 4597: Kill for life

Mu Zhong stopped talking immediately, but the killing intent in his eyes was still very awe-inspiring.

Of course he knew what Duanmu Zelin was talking about, Mu Haohui and Mu Guanyong's actions were actually authorized by him!

Otherwise, how could even Mu Guanyong be sent out.

"Why? Stop talking, do you? You know what you have done yourself! Your son is dead, we are not to blame at all!" Duan Mu Zelin said angrily.

To be honest, Duanmu Zelin certainly didn't want Xiao Yu to fall into the injustice of being infamy, and it would be hard for them to feel that way.

After all, although Mu Zhong didn't know Xiao Yu, this was unethical.

But now that it's such a point, Duanmu Zelin has no choice but to make the best move even if he doesn't want to.

Because if they admit that Mu Haohui's death was related to them, Mu Zhong's anger will pour down, and their Duanmu family will really be annihilated!

Now that the responsibility is placed on someone Mu Zhong doesn't know, this can at least make their Duanmu family suffer less disaster.

Because Duanmu Zelin, they all know that the anger of a strong man in the Huayu realm will be poured down, and the foundation of Duanmu's family for more than a thousand years will be destroyed!

"Why, I have nothing to say, right?" Duanmu Zelin said in a deep voice.

The anger in Mu Zhong's heart has not disappeared. How could he easily shake his murderous intention after his son died?

He took a step, his murderous intent was crushed crazily again, and all the children of the Duanmu family in the entire yard felt a tremor again.

The terrifying aura and the astonishing murderous intent can suffocate them.

Duanmu's family retreated one after another, their faces pale with horror, and their livers and guts were split.

"I don't care!! If my son has an accident with you, you must be responsible!! I Mu Zhong said that if Duanmu Mingshan doesn't come out today, I will level you here!!"

Everyone couldn't help feeling trembling again, and the blood was all solidified.

"You..." Some elders of the Duanmu family were shaking with anger.

Obviously it was Feng Lan Yu and the others who were greedy first, coveting the white moon collar, but now they turned it around, as if it was their fault.

"You are messing around!" A Duanmu family member finally blurted out angrily.

"Do you really think I dare not kill you?"

Mu Zhong's anger was always on the verge of rampaging, he was furious, and when he flipped his hand, Qingmu Jian suddenly started.

As soon as his green wood sword started, it was like a substantive energy state, which was a bit more condensed than the original Duanmu Mingshan and Mugyu.

The pure and vast wood attribute power even carries an astonishing and sharp aura.

In the next second, Mu Zhong's body grew stronger, and his figure swept out, and he slashed towards Duanmu Zelin.

"If Duanmu Mingshan doesn't come out, I'll be the first to take your flag for sacrifice!!"

Mu Zhong's murderous intent was too terrifying. He said that he would kill, and the faces of the entire Duanmu family changed wildly.

The Fenglanyu gang looked at him coldly.

What the Duanmu family didn't know was that when Mu Zhong knew that Mu Haohui and the others had been killed yesterday, even their bodies were incomplete, the kind of rage thunderous, and the entire Maple Blue City trembled in shock.

They dared not even talk to Mu Zhong along the way.

Now that Mu Zhong has endured his anger, how can he still listen to so many truths?

Duanmu Zelin's pupils shrank, and his hands shot out one after another, and the overwhelming offensive turned into waves and swept up.

"The mayfly shakes the tree!!"

Mu Zhong cut out with a sword, and the turquoise wave split into two halves, retreating towards both sides, and the long sword that Ling Ling was about to obliterate it.

And no one from the Duanmu family had time to react.



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