Shura God Emperor

Chapter 4598: Duanmu Mingshan desperately

Mu Zhongben thought Duanmu Mingshan would explain it, but the other party did not.

After all, people seek survival, not death.

Mu Zhong was very angry, so angry that he even wanted to kill the entire Duanmu family to bury Mu Haohui with him.

But Duanmu Mingshan's reaction was out of his surprise.

Mu Zhong stepped forward, laughed angrily, and questioned: "Duanmu Mingshan, do you think my son's death has something to do with you!!"

Duanmu Ming's face didn't change his face, he took a step and said awe-inspiringly: "If you think I have the ability to kill your sons and them, you can do it now. But I tell you, even if I die, I will haunt you as a ghost. Let you Fenglanyu have no peace all day long, because I am worthy of the conscience of heaven and earth!!"

Duanmu Mingshan's sonorous sentence turned out to be shocked Mu Zhong's expression moved.

Perhaps what he knew subconsciously was that Feng Lanyu didn't know what to do first.

They coveted the Baiyuejing of Baiyueling first, so they bypassed the original route, and Mu Haohui and others who had originally set out to Yatou Town first came to Baiyueling's temporary residence.

The elder masters of the Duanmu family were all glaring, staring at the Fenglanyu gang, that determination seemed very powerful, and it seemed that even Mu Zhong's momentum and oppression could not help.

From the Duanmu family, there is an invisible and powerful cohesive force, which is a unity and unity force, which makes the people in the Maple Blue Domain slightly moved.

And Mu Zhong’s eyes flashed with an astonishing chill, he took a step, and said solemnly: “In any case, my son was killed here, and you Duanmu family have an unshirkable responsibility!! Duanmu Mingshan, you have to come out to pay for your life, then I will fulfill you!! However, for the sake of keeping the same blood, I will only abolish your cultivation base!!! Let you always remember today's shame!!!"

Duanmu's face changed again.

Becoming a useless person is simply more uncomfortable than killing Duanmu Mingshan!

Because if you become a useless person, then the white moon-collar will always be the object of ridicule on the Coffin Continent!

Immediately afterwards, Mu Zhong's eyes flashed with a cruel color, and he said: "Don't worry, in order to express the punishment to you, I will also want to show you the things from the Duanmu family! This is a warning to you!!!"

Duanmu Mingshan knew something was wrong when he heard it, and the elders of the Duanmu family were all discolored.

Although Mu Zhong didn't say it clearly, the tone in his mouth was talking about Baiyuejing!

Some things have not been pointed out clearly, but it is the most deadly that they have not been pointed out clearly!

They should have thought that Maple Domain would not let it go!

Duanmu Mingshan's heart is dripping blood, if Baiyuejing is really acquired by him, then the only reliance on the Duanmu family to cultivate soul cultivation children will be gone!

"Mu Zhong!!!"

Even if Duanmu Mingshan's temper is good, his eyes are splitting at this time, Mu Zhong is really immortal with their Bai Yueling!

The power aura on Duanmu Mingshan began to rush, this is because the anger reached a certain level, and there was such a reaction.

After all, the whole family is his lifeblood!

In any case, he can't let outsiders harm the family's interests at all!

"I'm fighting with you!!"

Duan Mu Mingshan roared, his body flashed with blue light, and then he rushed towards Mu Zhong.

Mu Zhong's eyes were cold, and his murderous intentions skyrocketed again.

"Many arm as a car!"

He hates the majesty of others provoking him the most. After the death of his son, he has been able to endure it until now, not because he has a good temper, but because he knows how to weigh the pros and cons.

But now, Duanmu Mingshan didn't even want his life, what else would he keep his hands for?

"In that case, I will send you to the west!"

He shook his hand, and the Green Wood Sword started again, and he slashed it without hesitation.


Everyone in the Duanmu family screamed, why don't they know that Duanmu Mingshan already has the heart to die!

But at this moment, a cyan afterimage suddenly rushed up.


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