Shura God Emperor

Chapter 4603: If you want to stop me, I will kill you!

The appearance of Xiao Yu undoubtedly gave Feng Lanyu a big surprise.

Regardless of whether this person is in clothes or dress, they can tell at a glance that he is not a white moon-collared person, let alone a member of the Duanmu family.

But what makes them feel strange is that this kid actually has a **** breath they are familiar with! ?

Of course, this is not the breath of blood, this is the breath of the perception of life spiritual power that originated from the Duanmu family and the Mu family.

Xiao Yu was an innate life spirit body, and also absorbed the energy of such a huge Mutan Spring, so they felt that Xiao Yu was just like their own, but it was normal.

However, for the cautious Mu Zhong, Xiao Yu's existence really shocked him.

He knew from the blow just now that this person was definitely not an ordinary person.

Of course, as the domain master of the Maple Blue Domain, Mu Zhong brought so many people aggressively, it is naturally impossible to show weakness.

Moreover, he is still Huayu Realm!

This person is only a three-spirit realm, even if he can slap him to death with one hand!

Just now, Qingmu Jian's offensive, he displayed at most the cultivation base of the pinnacle of the Awakening Realm.

Killing a Duanmu Mingshan in the late stage of Hedao Realm does not require a lot of effort at all.

But this young man is different, what if it has something to do with the Duanmu clan?

In this way, if Mu Zhong wants to start, he really has to weigh.

"It seems you are afraid of me." Xiao Yu said with a smile.

These words made Mu Zhong's face gloomy on the spot.

He was afraid of Xiao Yu by three points, not because he was afraid of Xiao Yu, this kid was so arrogant and arrogant.

When everyone in Fenglanyu saw this, their brows were frowning, and some of them had cold eyes and killing intent.

At this time, Duanmu Mingshan and the others were also very smart. If they were called Xiao Yu's name at this time, it would definitely expose Xiao Yu's identity.

But Duanmu Mingshan is also anxious!

Xiao Yu had just absorbed Mu Tanquan, so he should have left with Duanmuqi!

Now that he ran up, didn't it just disrupt his plan?

Therefore, Duanmu Mingshan and other elders of the Duanmu family really had a hard time finding land, but they couldn't do anything.

"Patriarch Mingshan, you don't need to do this, you have done a good job." Xiao Yu turned his head and looked at Duanmu Mingshan.

If it hadn't been for him to shoot in time and interrupt Duanmu Mingshan's burning blood, Duanmu Mingshan's death would have become even more meaningless.

Because facing Mu Zhong, Duanmu Mingshan still has no chance of winning.

But Xiao Yu's words angered Feng Lanyu's group on the spot.

"Boy, so you can defeat our domain owner?"

"Huh! What are you? You dare to speak so loudly! Even he can't help it, can you keep them?"

Those who spoke were all masters of the Maple Blue Domain, and their strength was in the Three Spirit Realm and He Dao Realm.

This group of people are not good, but they are all masters, enough to show that Mu Zhong is determined to win the White Moon Ling and White Moon Well this time.

"Many people bully fewer people? You have done shameful things yourself, and you have been killed and you come to ask the crime. Is there such a reason?" Xiao Yu was very disdainful.

Mu Zhong was very angry and laughed, and said: "Since I Mu Zhong is here, I am justified! I don't care who you are, if you want to stop me, I will kill you! I will give you a chance, get out of here!"

"If I don't get out, do I even have to protect them?"

Xiao Yu suddenly raised his head, with a look of contempt in his eyes.


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