Shura God Emperor

Chapter 4604: Fight against Mu Zhong

For some reason, when Mu Zhong saw the clear one, and with a deep eye-like eye, his mind trembled for some reason.

Even the people of Fenglanyu could not help being a little sluggish when they saw this look.

What kind of look is this that can make him and the others feel such a slight tremor in their hearts?

But this person clearly only has the Three Spirit Realm, how could he have such a big magical power with his eyes?

Mu Zhong didn't believe in a person's eyes when he killed him, as if the atmosphere was frozen.

He is the master of the Maple Blue Domain, he is the Huayu Realm!

Even Duanmu Mingshan and others couldn't help being surprised, and they all looked at this back.

To be honest, Xiao Yu has stood up more than once, but this time, they looked at the figure from behind, as if they were looking at a high mountain.

A mountain that shelters their family from wind and rain.

Or maybe it was because Xiao Yu absorbed Mu Tanquan's energy, which gave them a feeling of seeing their own people.

But this kind of self, like a mother, stands in front of them, guarding the group of children behind them.

Although the strength of this young man is only pure spirit realm, but at this time the entire Duanmu family has such a feeling.

This is the reason why the spirit of life changed Xiao Yu's certain temperament, and even caused Duanmu Mingshan and others to have such thoughts.

"If you want to be the first bird, then I will kill you first!!"

Mu Zhong let out an anger, the Green Wood Sword in his hand was solidified again, and then turned into a ten-meter blue light, and he was beheaded towards Xiao Yu without saying a word.

This sword is much more powerful than the one just now, even if a strong man at the pinnacle of the aura realm is in front of him, it is enough to be severely injured.

"Hurry up!"

Duanmu Mingshan was shocked, he exclaimed, trying to make Xiao Yu avoid Mu Zhong's attack.

Xiao Yu's eyes flashed, and cyan light swept up.

In the middle stage of pure spirit realm!

"I am embarrassed to come out in the middle of the pure spirit realm? Today I cut you off. I want you to know that there are some people you can't afford to provoke!"

The ten-meter blue light giant sword was cut down, and the heaven and earth spiritual power in the space were consciously divided to the sides, seemingly afraid of the power of Mu Zhong's sword.

All the people around retreated to the wall, because the astonishing pressure from the Qingmu Sword made them unable to get close to Xiao Yu within 100 meters.

But at this moment, Xiao Yu's body began to have astonishing blood energy escape.

The original turquoise energy aura began to turn into a **** color, like a burning flame, very strange.

Even Mu Zhong had a lot of knowledge, but he had never encountered such a strange power change.

How could he know that Xiao Yu was urging the life energy absorbed in his spirit body just now, and then it was transformed into the power of Shura in an instant.

No one knows how terrifying the vast spiritual power of life in his body is.

And the transformation of this Shura's power became more and more, and it became more and more substantial. Later, Xiao Yu's thought, the substantive Shura's power swept out, and crashed into the Green Wood Sword.


The Green Wood Sword exploded in midair in an instant, and the horrible fluctuations turned into a wave of power, twisting the tops of all Duanmu's houses into dust.


The roar of the hurricane made people unable to open their eyes for a while, and their ears were bulging.

After a long while, all the whistling noises disappeared, and the ground was a mess, covered with fallen leaves, broken wood, and gravel.

Only Xiao Yu and Mu Zhong were watching each other.

Mu Zhong's eyes were uncertain, but his mind was tumbling.

"Just... how could he..."


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