Shura God Emperor

Chapter 4605: Facing Muzhong

As the owner of Maple Blue Domain, Mu Zhong knew his strength too well.

In a realm like the Huayu Realm, the control of the heaven and earth spiritual power has reached an unprecedented level. This kind of situation is able to use the heaven and earth spiritual power on oneself, and then achieve a true flying state.

Therefore, in this state of realm, Mu Zhong has a strong sense of heaven and earth spiritual power, especially life spiritual power.

But what did he sense just now?

In this young man, that kind of pure to the extreme, even vast and terrifying life spirit energy aura!

It is hard to imagine that in an outsider, he has such power!

And one more thing is that he is Huayu Realm!

The opponent is just the middle stage of the pure spirit realm! !

This is simply a huge power gap!

But in the confrontation just now, the other party didn't even retreat, obviously he was in a similar situation with himself!

The audience was stunned, especially Feng Lanyu's group.

They were already full of confidence, and they came to the Duanmu family specifically to make the Duanmu family ugly.

But who would have thought that he had met such a kid!

Is this not comparable at all?

The dignified master of the five cities of the Maple Blue Region, the city master of each city is as strong as Duanmu Mingshan, but Mu Zhong, who is in the Huayu Realm, is tied with a pure-spirited kid?

Another point is that the aura power on the opponent's body is really much purer than their bloodline and spiritual power as members of the Mu Family!

He is just an outsider!

For Duanmu Mingshan and the others, of course they were also shocked.

Duanmu Mingshan and a few other elders and deacons knew that Xiao Yu came up from Mutan Spring under the riverbed.

Although they knew that it was the place where the Patriarchs of the past dynasties retreat, they possessed huge vitality energy. This energy is different from the external spiritual energy, because it is a gathering of the blood of all the children of the Duanmu family. Spiritual formation!

To put it simply, it is the gathering of the purest, the purest in the depths of the blood, and even the life spirit power that has been passed down for more than 10,000 years!

Therefore, this kind of power can be spied on by the Duanmu family, the leader of the white moon, and the people in the five cities of the Maple Blue Region?

Of course, Duanmu Mingshan himself once retreats, and he knows how rare these energies are.

Therefore, his heart is surging at this time.

But for Mu Zhong, he was always the lord of a domain, powerful, and the head of the Mu family's collateral family, and his status was detached.

He didn't know how many talented children he had seen, but none of them could be compared with the young man in front of him.

Of course, if Mu Zhong flinched like this, then he would be underestimated.

"Boy, this is a affair between our two families. I advise you in the last sentence. It is best not to interfere with you as an outsider." Mu Zhong's murderous intent was awe-inspiring, but he was still sinking.

In fact, he knew very well that his son was dead, and his anger was at best killing Bai Yueling to vent his hatred.

But for him, the impact of destroying a family was too great. It would be better to kill the chickens and sway the monkeys, abolish Duanmu Mingshan, and then take Baiyuejing away. This is even more devastating to the Duanmu family.

To some extent, this is even more uncomfortable than killing them.

And this kid who didn't know who was killed suddenly, no one knew who was behind this person, and Mu Zhong didn't want to be out of line.

"What did you Mu Family do? Didn't you know what to do? You are not afraid of disasters on you?

Suddenly, Xiao Yu's words made Mu Zhong and some masters in Fenglan Territory slightly moved.


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