Shura God Emperor

Chapter 4606: The secret of taboo

Perhaps they had ghosts in their hearts, or perhaps Xiao Yu said that, they subconsciously thought of a certain secret of the Duanmu family.

They just stared coldly, but they were very surprised.

Who is this kid? Did he discover the secret?

"Boy, what are you talking about?" Mu Zhong stared at Xiao Yu, the murderous intent in his eyes was more frantic than before.

Xiao Yu smiled lightly and shook his head mockingly: "You Feng Lanyu will really pretend to be crazy and stupid, but this shows that you must have known it a long time ago, so you are so confident. Or you have already determined that Bai Yueling is in your eyes. It's a bereaved dog, and it will perish sooner or later, right?"

These words not only changed the expressions of the people on the Fenglan Domain side, but also surprised everyone at Duanmu's family.

"What do you mean? What perish?"

"What the **** is he talking about? Does Feng Lanyu have any intentions against us White Moon Collar?"

"What's the matter... Isn't our white moon collar good at it? How could..."

Xiao Yu and Mu Zhong had been playing dumb puzzles, but for most of the Duanmu family's children, their heartbeats accelerated, and their faces became pale and heavy.

And only Duanmu Mingshan and others, their faces were gloomy and silent, but their anger was rising all the time.

Mu Zhong's eyes were startled and suspicious, although he did not expect that in front of so many people, this person would actually say such things.

Xiao Yu turned around and faced everyone in the Duanmu family, saying: "Your spirits of the earth veins are actually under a forbidden secret method. Simply put, it is a curse. This curse will keep you trapped in the white moon collar forever. This small land, and in the long run, will keep your bloodline declining."


The complexions of everyone in the entire Duanmu family suddenly changed wildly, and their faces became pale from fright.

"How come, how..."

"The curse of the spirit of the earth veins? Why haven't we heard of..."

"Really real?"

For Duanmu Mingshan and others, they already knew the truth, but when they heard it again, they still felt that the needle was stuck in their chest. It was uncomfortable, but it was like a huge boulder pressed and panting. Not angry.

"Patriarch, is this true?"

"No, it must not be true."

The Duanmu family certainly don't want to believe that this is the truth.

After all, whoever hears the news that his family is about to die must be no one can calm down, let alone this sign of the extinction!

Duanmu Mingshan finally sighed and said: "This is true. The spirit of the earth veins told me personally. The spirit of the earth veins is the consciousness that guards our white moon collar."


The minds of all the children of the Duanmu family were blank and thunderbolt.

What they find hard to accept is that their white moon-collars have been cursed for so long!

In other words, because of this so-called taboo secret method, because of this curse, the Duanmu family continued to decline! ?

"Patriarch, what is going on with this extermination?"

"Will we die?"

The Duanmu family asked sadly.

People are surviving, and naturally they are not seeking death. Such a posture is really pitiful.

Duanmuqi and Luo Feng have also followed up, seeing this situation, Duanmuqi's heart is even more melancholy and sad.

Although he knew that this matter would be told to his own people sooner or later, he just didn't expect that it was in such a situation and such a situation that an outsider would tell him.

Xiao Yu stared at Mu Zhong immediately, and said, "This matter has something to do with your Mu family, right?"


Duanmu Mingshan's complexion changed drastically, and there was a burst of light in his eyes.


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