Shura God Emperor

Chapter 4607: Which is the truth

Yes, Duanmu Mingshan, Duanmu Zelin, Duanmuqi, and a master of the Duanmu family, their eyes all revealed a kind of unbelievable, a kind of shock, even a kind of anger.

"Little brother, what's going on..." Duan Mu Mingshan is still calm, but the anger and murderous intent in his whole body has brewed, and the whole person can't help but tremble.

Obviously, he is extremely suppressing his emotions.

Because even if he didn't want to think that way, he had already thought about it in his subconscious very early.

But for the sake of flowing the same blood, Duanmu Mingshan did not have such a villainous heart to speculate about Mu Family.

Mu Zhong's eyes were uncertain, and he sneered immediately: "What curse do you have? It is your own business and has nothing to do with us. It must be that the heavens can't see it and want you to die!"

"is it?"

Xiao Yu sneered and said, "I'm afraid that only you and your clan will know the truth?"

Mu Zhong's eyes flashed with murderous intent, and he took a step forward. The terrifying killing intent, mixed with an astonishing aura, turned into waves and rolled towards Xiao Yu.

"Boy, you really don't cry without seeing the coffin, you really treat me as Mu Zhong's kind heart, let you talk nonsense here without being indifferent? I want to kill you, just like crushing an egg!!" Enraged, the murderous intent in his eyes has brewed to a certain extent.

This kid knows too much.

In any case, he had already planned not to let this guy leave.

"Mu Zhong!! What the **** is going on!!! Is it made by your Mu family!!" Duan Mu Zelin asked angrily.

"Huh! Heaven is going to destroy you, can we still stop it? Don’t forget, it’s because you don’t think of forging ahead and wait to die, so you are self-proclaimed. The ancestors of our Mu family spent so long and resources to maintain the peace of the family. !! Your destruction is your own business and has nothing to do with us! If it weren’t for you, we would already be the masters of the Coffin Continent! Why should we go through those hundreds of years of experience!?"

"God can't see it right now, and I want you to pay for your stupidity! If you want to blame, you are born in the wrong place and you have chosen the wrong position!!"

"Also, we are the Mu family, not the same family as you!! Our ancestors had nothing to do with you at the moment of the separation!!"

The more Mu Zhong spoke, the more excited he was, and the more he spoke, the more angry.

All the people in the entire Maple Blue Domain were glaring.

This continent has experienced hundreds of years of turbulence before it changed its name to the Coffin Continent.

This kind of turmoil is that many foreigners invade this continent and pick the heaven and earth elixir here.

And you know, before the separation, the Duanmu family was already the largest family in this continent!

It is because of the cowardice and deregulation of the die-hards of the Duanmu family that this continent has experienced many battles and competitions.

After the separation later, the ancestors of the Mu family spent a lot of resources such as heaven and earth elixir, and invited experts from foreign races to guard this place. After driving away many foreigners, the Coffin Continent was stable.

In other words, the Coffin Continent has not been stable until now, but it has only taken a few decades.

If it weren't for those people from the Duanmu family to be complacent, their Mu family would already be the master of this continent, and they have even ruled for hundreds of thousands of years!

Therefore, the Mu family hated the Duanmu surname for a reason.

Mu Zhong immediately stared at Xiao Yu, he didn't expect that this secret would be known by this kid first!

People with this kind of ability are definitely not simple!

In any case, this person can't stay!

Mu Zhonghan said: "Boy, in any case, today, Mu Zhong has taken your life! Die!"


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