Shura God Emperor

Chapter 4608: Xiao Yu VS Mu Zhong

Duanmu's family was frightened by Mu Zhong's words, shaking all over, but couldn't say a word.

They didn't expect that Mu Zhong would leave the matter behind in a few words, and what he said had nothing to do with them, as if everything was the Duanmu family's own fault.

And Mu Zhong struggled to speak, in addition to venting the grievances and anger of his ancestors, but also to cover up their guilty conscience.

At this moment, after Mu Zhong used all his aggressive gestures, he had already moved to Xiao Yu to kill him.


The horrible murderous aura suddenly enveloped Xiao Yu.

That turquoise murderous aura mixed with a mighty force, turned into a hundred waves to crush it.

"Be careful!"

Duanmu Mingshan exclaimed, it was terrible, this kind of aura was the Huayu Realm!

Mu Zhong's killing intent was so terrifying.

Just now, his killing of Duanmu Mingshan was just a force that spurred the peak of the Hedao Realm, but killing Xiao Yu was a real Huayu Realm!

Even Luo Feng's heart touched his throat. Although he was standing on the side, he also felt that terrible heavy breath.

Yes, the Huayu Realm is really more terrifying than the Dao Realm.

If it is said that the Harmony Realm is the unity of mind and spirit, and the control of the heaven and earth spiritual power reaches a level of oneness, then the Huayu realm is a deep-level induction of the heaven and earth spiritual power.

Because at this point, it is already necessary to mobilize the spiritual power of heaven and earth to accumulate the fetal essence, and then form something called the "fetal yuan star mansion".

Fetal Yuan Star Mansion needs extremely large heaven and earth spiritual power to construct, so it is not comparable to the He Dao Realm.

The terrifying oppression was crushed in an instant, Xiao Yu stood still, but the ground within a radius of 100 meters was completely sunk by a foot!

"Hahaha! Boy, this is the power of the Huayu Realm!! Are you aware of your smallness now?" Mu Zhong grinned wildly.

He once felt a certain surprise by the breath of the youth of the other party.

Therefore, Mu Zhong had to kill the killer even more and not give the other party any chance.

Xiao Yu raised his head, feeling the oppression mixed with wood attributes and earth attributes, and he actually felt a sense of enjoyment.

Xiao Yu closed his eyes slightly, even though he felt the pressure on his body crushed down like three thousand streams of water.

However, the opponent is in the Huayu Realm, so how can Xiao Yu's body be an ordinary pure-spirit realm?

At this moment, Xiao Yu held his palm, and a strange scene appeared. Suddenly, countless turquoise air currents swept up from around Xiao Yu.

This kind of air current contains very strong vital energy, which is not converging from all directions, it is actually... converging from Xiao Yu's body!

"how is this possible?"

The audience, yes, all the Duanmu family and the Mu family watched this scene in shock.

"Aoki sword!"

Everyone exclaimed, it turned out to be the green wood sword of the Duanmu family blood!

The Aoki Sword can be condensed with a very high understanding of the attributes of wood, a weapon that can materialize spiritual power!

Like the Duanmu family, those who can condense the Green Wood Sword are all capable of reaching the level of harmony, because the Green Wood Sword's requirements for talents and the attributes of the earth life wood are really too high.

Moreover, once the Green Wood Sword was refined for sacrifice, there were still words in it that did not disappear without seeing blood.

Of course, the purer the bloodline, the higher the talent, and the stronger the strength, the higher the degree of substance that the Green Wood Sword can achieve.

There is even a legend, the Qingmu sword of the Duanmu family bloodline, the highest realm can even be comparable to the gods!

He actually condensed the Green Wood Sword!

Mu Zhong's pupils shrank.

This is absolutely impossible! "


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