Shura God Emperor

Chapter 4609: Real Aoki Sword

In fact, he could clearly sense that this young man absolutely did not have the blood of the Duanmu family, but he didn't know the reason for having this kind of power aura that was similar to them, and even had to be advanced.

This is very strange.

But Mu Zhong is even more unexpected, this person also knows the Qingmu sword!

"how is this possible!?"

Duanmu Mingshan was stunned.

Not to mention him, everyone in the Duanmu family who knew Xiao Yu was stunned and completely dumbfounded.

Duanmuqi trembled when he saw this scene, his old face was moved: "Could it be... Mutanquan?"

Luo Feng's tongue was also stunned and his mouth opened wide.

"Elder Qi means that Brother Yu has absorbed Mu Tanquan's life and spiritual power, even together with... some of the memories of your ancestors' secret techniques?"

The clever Luo Feng suddenly realized.

Yes, Mutanquan is still the place where the Patriarchs of the past dynasties retreat, even if the inheritance and memory are absorbed, it is normal.

In fact, what they didn't know was that it would actually benefit from Xiao Yu's innate life spirit body.

It was the innate life spirit body that allowed Xiao Yu to absorb Mu Tanquan's energy without any obstacles, allowing him to absorb it unimpeded.

It is also the innate life spirit body that fills Xiao Yu's body with a heart that is full of the power of life in the world.

Therefore, when Xiao Yu was absorbing Mutanquan's life energy, he even absorbed the practice memory of the past generations of the Duanmu Family Patriarch in Mutanquan and absorbed it into his body.

Yes, this is what Duanmu Mingshan did not imagine.

In fact, Mutanquan used to be the place where the Patriarch of the Duanmu family retreats and meditates because of the past.

Naturally, when they want to blend into this pool of life energy, they are equivalent to completely relaxing their bodies.

Over time, Mutanquan naturally has the memories of the cultivation of these patriarchs.

Of course, Xiao Yu also inadvertently learned these memories of the Duanmu family's past patriarchs. It can be said that this was his unintentional move.

The Green Wood Sword in Xiao Yu's hand was condensed to the point of horror.

The crystal clear turquoise three-foot green front, as if coated with a layer of metallic luster.

This green wood sword is a combination of Xiao Yu's own life spirit body, and at the same time a kind of fearless respect for life in the Duanmu family for so many years.

So, it looks turquoise, but it looks like jade and uncut jade, which is amazing.

On the other hand, Mu Zhong's Aoki sword is also turquoise, but it lacks a kind of luster in it, which makes it relatively dull.

"Your name is Muzhong? Let me see what the real Aoki sword is!"

Xiao Yu shouted, his eyes shot out an astonishing green light, and the Qingmu sword rose to ten meters in length against the storm.

The sharp blade, the sword light with the terrifying killing intent, was suddenly cut up by Xiao Yu.

Qing Feng attacked people, as if all the thoughts of Chunsheng Earth gathered together, and even the space seemed to be split.

The space shook out two qi scars, and they moved towards the two sides. This is the attribute power of the Green Wood Sword has reached a state that makes the heaven and the earth tremble.

You know, this contains tens of thousands of where you are, all the will of the ancestors of the Duanmu family is in it!

"Qing Feng·Zhan!"


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