Shura God Emperor

Chapter 4620: Shenmugu

To be honest, Duanmu Qi is a member of the Duanmu family. He heard outsiders praise their clan so much, but he was actually proud of himself.

"Yes, this valley is called Shenmu Valley. It has a history of 10,000 years, and it is also the place where the clan has been located for generations."

"I think back then, when our Duanmu family was the first family in the Coffin Continent, countless families bowed their heads to us. Although this continent was still very chaotic at that time, the family also produced a lot of talented masters. The status has always been the highest on this continent."

Having said that, Duanmuqi sighed slightly, and did not continue.

The next thing is the separation of families, and the Duanmu family is naturally declining.

However, after so many years of baptism in the mood of Duanmuqi, it is obvious that he has taken a lot of light on this history. His eyes have restored a kind of confidence, and said: "Although the clan has been declining, the ground vein here is still the best place in the entire continent. ."

"These young and yellow families do not pick up, but every few years there will be a peerless genius. This is due to the blessing of our ancestors, because our main purpose is never to fight and kill."

Luo Feng asked curiously: "Wouldn't there be a lot of people coveting here? My God, the life spirit here is too strong, more than ten times stronger than your white moon-collar."

Duanmuqi snorted coldly and said, "But many people are coveting here, including those from the second- and third-rate families, but they will not succeed."

"Zhengu Great Array." Xiao Yu blurted out, his eyes seeming to see through the valley city a kilometer away.

Duanmuqi was a little surprised. Xiao Yu knew it, but when he thought of the other side's extraordinary, he nodded and said proudly: "Yes, this is also the opinion of our ancestors. The Zhengu Great Formation was established early, not to mention the Huayu Realm. , It is the Yuan soul realm that enters here, and the great formation is launched, and it will definitely die."

Luo Feng opened his mouth wide. In the upper court, the lowest level of disciples of Grade A is the Hedao Realm, the more advanced ones are the Huayu Realm, and the higher ones are the Yuan Soul Realm.

The reason why the Coffin Continent ranks in the upper-middle continental position in the Seventy-two Great Heavens is because the Coffin Continent is mainly based on soul cultivation, and they are not mainly focused on spiritual power cultivation. Therefore, the Yuanpao Realm can be said It is a very powerful state on this continent.

Just like the existence of Tengyuan Continent, the top ten fierce beasts of the three major places are also in the middle and uppermost, but the overall combat power is much stronger than the Coffin Continent.

Therefore, when Luo Feng heard of this great formation, even the Yuan Soul Realm was bound to die. One could imagine how powerful this formation was.

"Brother Yu, you are really amazing! I don't know, I really think you are a child of the Duanmu family." Luo Feng said.

Xiao Yu shook his head and said: "When I was in the lower planes, I encountered a place called Hundred Medicine Valley, so I know that these valley cities will have towns and valleys."

Luo Feng nodded suddenly, but Duanmu Chess became unstable, and his whole person was stunned.

"Lower plane? came from the lower plane?"

Duanmuqi was shocked. How could he not know the Thirty-Six Xiaotian World, but throughout the ages, it is rare to be able to go from a lower plane to a higher plane!

"Then you are not a child of those big families?"

Xiao Yu smiled and said, "I never said that I am. Okay, let's go."

Xiao Yu seemed to be more interested in this Shenmu Valley.

Duanmu Che was still sluggish on the ground, and Luo Feng shouted: "Elder Chess, let's go, Yu Ge's deeds, I will tell you another day, hehe, keep your jaw down when you hear it."

After all, Luo Feng changed his frown before and followed with a cheer.

For some reason, Duanmuqi looked at that figure in the distance, and his heart became more surging.

A low-level person not only entered the five great temples, but also possessed such terrifying power!

What kind of freak is this guy!


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