Shura God Emperor

Chapter 4621: Visit from Ishikawa Region

At this time, Mu Zhong had already returned to the Maple Blue Territory. He immediately reported Mu Haohui to his clan, and the clan was naturally furious because of this.

But the clan did not take immediate action, but was quiet for several days.

The entire Maple Blue Territory was plunged into a sad atmosphere.

How many years has it been for Maple Blue Domain to be so bullied?

In addition, Mu Zhong not only did not take revenge, but also returned in defeat, which made many people in Maple Blue Region secretly discuss the incompetence of the Domain Lord's Mansion.

For these, Mu Zhong certainly appeared very angry.


In the lobby, Mu Zhong patted the stool, and in a short time, the stool turned into powder, and he was furious: "If the order goes on, if anyone talks about it again, don't worry about it!!!"

Someone took the order, and they did not dare to continue to anger Mu Zhong's anger.

After all, although they didn't know why the clan hadn't acted yet, Mu Zhong had always died of a son, and he still had no corpse.

The other four soul cultivation geniuses including the entire Maple Blue Domain were all killed.

In other words, the opportunity for their Maple Blue Territory to dive into the Dragon Gate instantly disappeared.

Mu Zhong could have been expensive by his father, but now everything has become a dream.

In the hall, Binggui, the most loyal and the second master of Fenglan Domain, remained.

"The domain master calms down. Outsiders don't know the truth. You don't need to be familiar with them."

Why doesn't Binggui know that the clan hasn't acted for the time being, it doesn't mean that the clan hasn't acted. The clan just doesn't want to behave in a hurry, and then ask the teacher at the annual meeting.

The annual meeting is a sacrificial meeting. It is the largest celebration shared by the two families. Knowing this, the clan will definitely not let the Duanmu family go.

Moreover, this time the clan has a bigger thing to do, and this time it can kill two birds with one stone.

Mu Zhong clenched his fist, the whole lobby was full of killing intent, and said in a deep voice: "I know this. I can't wait to kill that kid now and avenge Haohui!!"

Binggui stopped talking immediately.

The pain of losing a child is of course heart-wrenching, and no one can empathize with this.

But at this moment, someone spread: "Domain master, the domain master of the Ishikawa domain led a visit."

"Ishikawa domain?"

Mu Zhong frowned, and Bing Gui said strangely: "We have never had a deep relationship with Ishikawa. At most we only had exchanges at the annual meeting. How could they visit?"

"How many of them are there?" Mu Zhong asked.

"About thirty people." The man said.

Mu Zhong and Binggui looked at each other, and of course they didn't know what was going on.

The Ishikawa region, like the maple blue region, is also a slightly higher region in the entire Coffin Continent.

There are many collateral families in the Mu family, but there are also some conflicts of interest between many collateral families.

After all, every family must think about its own family. Who can cultivate more powerful soul cultivation children and send more talented geniuses to the family, then the family will give more training resources to this side family.

In this way, this collateral family naturally has more resources to train the children of the family, and then continue to grow.

Whether it is the Coffin Continent, or any place, it is the same kind of jungle law that survives.

It is precisely because of this that the Mu family was able to quickly become the first family in the Coffin Continent because of their hardworking and unwilling disposition.

"Let them come over."

"No, I'm already here."


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