Shura God Emperor

Chapter 4622: Reio Ki

Just as Mu Zhong spoke, suddenly, a thunderous voice resounded, and then two figures walked in.

It was a middle-aged man and a young man.

The middle-aged man is tall, with a Chinese character face and two thick eyebrows with a fierce spirit inside.

The young man next to him was ugly, with sparse hair, narrow eyes and thin lips.

If Xiao Yu were here, he would definitely recognize this young man, who is not this person, but he was Mu Chunhao from Qingmu Town!

And this person next to him is the lord of the Ishikawa domain, Mu Lingo!

"Domain Master..."

Several guards rushed in immediately, apparently wary of the uninvited arrival of Leio Ki.

"Go down." Mu Zhong waved his hand, and several guards retreated.

Mu Zhong found that Mu Lingxiong's face was very ugly, and that heavy killing intent made the already gloomy atmosphere of the lobby even more heavy.

"Mu Lingxiong, come here, don't know what to do with me? If there is nothing serious, please go back." Mu Zhong waved his hand, his tone was slightly polite.

He wasn't in the mood to receive people, it wasn't that he had any malice towards Mu Lingxiong.

After all, it is impossible for him to have any thoughts at all unless it is the beginning of the annual meeting for such a big thing as his son died.

"Mu Zhong, I heard that you died of a son. I shouldn't have bothered you at this time, but I also died of a brother-in-law." Mu Lingxiong said in a deep voice.

When Mu Chumoto heard the previous sentence, his face sank unnaturally, but when he heard the latter sentence, his brow furrowed.

He thought for a moment, and said, "If I remember well, your brother-in-law should be the city lord of Qingmu Town, Mu Hong?"

Qingmu Town is inferior in their Mu family's collateral family, but because Mu Hong is Mu Lingxiong's brother-in-law, Mu Hong was with Mu Lingxiong at the annual meeting, so Mu Zhong is impressed.

"Yes, that's my father." Mu Chunhao also said in a deep voice.

Although Fenglanyu and Ishikawayu are a kind of competitive relationship in secret, in the final analysis, they are also from the Mu family.

In this regard, the Mu family is very united.

Mu Zhong asked: "Your father's strength should be in the realm of harmony. Who would dare to kill him?"

"My father was in the middle stage of Hedao Realm and was killed by a kid." Mu Chunhao couldn't help shaking when he mentioned this matter.

The middle stage of Hedao Realm! ?

At this time, Mu Zhong was slightly surprised.

According to his guess, in a small town like Qingmu Town, the city lord is at best the early stage of Hedao Realm!

In the middle stage of the Awakening Realm, that is already very powerful!

In other words, if they dare to kill a person in the middle stage of their Mu family, does this person have any big hatred with their Mu family?

But even if there is no amount of hatred, you should not ignore the consequences!

That was the Mu Family, the first family in the Coffin Continent!

"What's the matter?" Mu Zhong frowned.

Instinctively told him that this matter seemed not so simple, otherwise how could the two uncles and nephews come up specifically.

A kid?

Immediately afterwards, Mu Chunhao explained all the causes and consequences.

After Mu Zhong listened, his face changed slightly, his instinct seemed to tell him that this person seemed a bit familiar.

"People from the outer continent, handsome, tall and tall? The pure spirit realm can kill the Hedao realm? You are here this time..."

Mu Lingxiong said condensedly: "I already know what you guys are doing in White Moon Collar. I suspect that our goal is the same person!!"



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