Shura God Emperor

Chapter 4623: Maple blue domain and Ishikawa domain unite

Suddenly, Mu Zhong's mind suddenly exploded.

The kid in their mouth is the one they met at Duanmu's house!

But is it really such a coincidence?

Binggui asked: "You said that kid was in the Pure Spirit Realm at the time, and he used a certain power-enhancing secret method to kill Mu Hong, but what we encountered was in the Pure Spirit Realm, although we have not seen how he killed us. Young master’s, but the domain master has fought against him."

Mu Lingxiong and Mu Junhao both stared at Mu Zhong.

Mu Zhong recalled, and said: "I did fight him. The power on him is very strange. The vastness of the land is not like his own realm of strength at all, but the appearance and characteristics alone are not enough to explain what you said. That person is the person I met."

Mu Lingxiong didn't know the whole story, and if it weren't for Mu Chunhao's words to him, he wouldn't have believed it, because it was indeed a bit weird.

Mu Chunhao stepped forward, his eyes flickering, and said: "Patriarch Mu Zhong, I found out that that kid is related to a person called Huangzhe, and that Huangzhe was once Duanmu Liangxin's senior brother."

"Then we heard Mu Haohui's bad news, it still happened in the white moon collar, so this is not a coincidence at all."

"Duanmuliangxin? That was the one who was burned to death along with the twelve members of his division several decades ago? He is indeed a white moon-collared person." Bing Gui was taken aback.

Mu Zhong's eyes flashed, he was murderous, and said coldly: "Unexpectedly, it was really that kid!!"

Now they are basically certain that they must have met the same person!

Mu Lingxiong clenched his fist, his national character face became extremely murderous, and said: "I promised my sister to take care of my brother-in-law's family before she died. Now most of their entire family has been killed, even A niece of mine is half-dead, I must repay this grudge!"

"He killed my son, I don't agree with him anymore! Do you think I really want to sit here?" Mu Zhong was also angry, and the more he talked, the more excited he was, and his momentum couldn't help rising.

After all, Mu Lingxiong died of a brother-in-law, and he did not have much blood relationship with him. In contrast, Mu Zhong was different, Mu Zhong died of his son.

So Mu Lingxiong is relatively calm, he said awe-inspiringly: "I don't know what you think, but since you have come into contact with that kid, then you must know a little bit of that kid's whereabouts."

Mu Zhong's face was sullen, Binggui knew the situation of the former, so he gave out their guess.

"So that's it, this kid is really not easy, even the forbidden secrets of the spirit of the earth veins have been unearthed for him. Chunhao, let's set out now."

Since Mu Lingxiong knew the whereabouts and purpose of killing his brother-in-law's enemy, he didn't even want to stay for a moment.

"Patriarch Lingxiong, are you going now? But the clan means..." Binggui was surprised.

Mu Lingxiong stared at Binggui coldly, the murderous expression in his eyes was particularly strong.

"The clan means to act in two months. After two months, that kid might run away! How could I let him have this opportunity! I am going to step on their clan to demand people, I don't believe it. They even dared to hide the people whom I want, Mu Lingxiong! If I kill my brother-in-law, I won't be called Mu Lingxiong if I don't report it!"

Suddenly, Mu Zhong seemed to be shaken, and he constrained: "You are right, we can't just wait for the clan, we must take the lead! I will go with you!"


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