Shura God Emperor

Chapter 4624: Duanmu Family Clan (Part 1)

Duanmu family clan, Shenmu Valley.

After entering Shenmu Valley, although it is not as prosperous as some of the big towns that Xiao Yu has visited, the spirit of heaven and earth prevailing here is pure and rich.

On the streets, the faces of various shops, inns, and stalls are relatively kind.

The so-called yellow hair hangs down, and is happy, traffic on the rice paddies, and the chickens and dogs.

In addition, the sky is full of spiritual power, the birds and the beasts are free, and the whole valley is full of a peaceful atmosphere, which really makes people feel comfortable.

However, just as Xiao Yu had imagined before, people died of happiness. As a result, it is no wonder that the Duanmu family would be abandoned by some radicals.

"Although the spiritual power of heaven and earth here is stronger, it does have the same aura as your Bai Yueling." Walking on the street, Xiao Yu took a deep breath, feeling the spiritual power of heaven and earth here.

The heaven and earth spiritual power here is also very rich, but it is too rich, as if some kind of strange energy has been added.

This kind of energy is absorbed into the body, and after practicing, it will affect the entire bloodline.

Yes, this is the reason why the taboo secret method covers the entire Shenmu Valley.

In other words, the forbidden secret method is in the spirit of the earth veins, which affects the entire source of energy.

After listening to Duanmuqi, he sighed: "If you say so, then you will never leave the ten."

Of course, Duanmuqi couldn't feel the difference.

If he could tell the difference, he wouldn't show such a shocked expression when Xiao Yu revealed it.

Moreover, he often comes here in the clan, the heaven and earth spiritual power here is naturally stronger, and he is even more unable to distinguish.

"Let's go, let's talk to the Patriarch directly." Duanmuqi's eyes are also very determined. Obviously, he is really concerned about the truth and the solution.

The size of the clan residences of the Duanmu family can be described as huge.

Two simple and atmospheric typings-Duanmu, vigorous and powerful, with an ancient charm in them.

There are two huge old trees at the door, which seem to be at least hundreds of years old.

As long as he was far away, Xiao Yu saw the ancient and atmospheric mansion of the Duanmu clan with a long-term charm in it.

This kind of charm comes from the feeling of life spirits deep in Xiao Yu's bloodline, it is as if he has taken oneself back to the oldest and oldest life cycle.

When I came to the door of the Duanmu family clan's residence, this feeling became even stronger.

Of course, what Xiao Yu saw was different from what others saw. This time, the sensory tentacles of the branches of Tianmu were like his six senses. He found that under the entire Duanmu family mansion, there were many intertwined roots. , Covering a radius of at least one kilometer.

And in the middle of the Duanmu Family Mansion, there seemed to be something like a spring with very strong energy.

"Huh? What is that?"

Xiao Yu's consciousness at this time was very terrifying, especially after the Tianmu branches became his other eyes, he could sense some things that were difficult to judge by the six senses without urging the Tianmu branches.

"It is not the spirit of the earth veins, nor is it a place similar to Mutanquan. What is it?" Just as Xiao Yu was puzzled, a voice suddenly sounded.

"Good elder chess."

And just as Duanmuqi led Xiao Yu and Luo Feng forward, suddenly a voice came from the big tree on the left.

Immediately from the big tree on the left, a guard came out suddenly!

The tree is the guard!

At the same time, a guard walked out of the trunk of the big tree on the right!


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