Shura God Emperor

Chapter 4625: Duanmu Family Clan (Part 2)

This is really strange.

After all, even Xiao Yu didn't realize at first that the two trees here were guards!

These two guards look very young, with an ancient vitality power on their bodies. If you don't look at the faces, you will really think they are dying old people.

The strength of the two guards is not bad, and they both have the same Dao state.

They are obviously very familiar with Duanmuqi, and their faces are filled with a sincere smile.

"A Rui, A Xiang, I want to go in and see your Patriarch." Duan Muqi is straight to the point.

A Rui Axiang is a little surprised. Duanmu Che has always delivered oral messages. This time, looking at his expression, it seems that something serious has happened.

"Elder Chess, did something happen?" Ari on the left asked.

Duanmuqi sighed and said: "This is related to all the destinies of the clan and collateral families."

Both A Rui and A Xiang were taken aback.

"Elder Chess, fast forward."

A Rui just let Duanmuqi in, but found Xiao Yu and Luo Feng, his brows suddenly frowned.

"These two are friends of our white moon-collar. We need their help this time."

A Rui and A Xiang looked at each other. They let it go without saying anything.

Xiao Yu nodded politely to the two of them, and then followed.

But at that moment, A Rui and A Xiang suddenly sensed a resonance from blood.

By the time they reacted, Xiao Yu had already entered.

"His blood..."

"Be more pure than us!"

What they can hardly imagine is that an outsider has such a pure blood!

Xiao Yu followed Duanmuqi into the Duanmu family mansion.

The mansion is very large, just like a huge manor.

The hills and flowing water, pavilions and pavilions inside are full of ancient charm.

"It's worthy of a big family for thousands of years. With this style, those empire palaces are the younger brothers in front of this." Luo Feng exclaimed.

After spending five days on the road, Duanmuqi didn't say a word, because he was very anxious now and didn't even want to waste a second.

Many children from the Duanmu family greeted each other when Duanmuqi arrived on the road.

"Hey, why did the elder Qi come so early? The annual meeting has not started yet."

"He only comes here once or twice a year. Does he look like something urgent?"

"Huh? Who are the two next to him? Why are they so strange? He is not our Duanmu family's child, right?"

"That's not right, how could he have... that breath is so familiar!!"

The Duanmu family's children suddenly became confused, because from Xiao Yu's body, they actually felt a breath of deja vu!

"Elder Chess, are you here?"

On the corridor, a young man suddenly met.

The young man has a handsome face with long hair hanging down his temples. He looks like a handsome young man in it.

He is tall and straight, with extraordinary bearing, and his eyes are extremely clear.

"Nephew Xuanxian, it's you." When Duan Muqi saw this young man, the worried expression on his face eased a lot.

The young man's name is Duanmuxuan, and he is one of the best geniuses in the Duanmu clan in Shenmu Valley.

Duan Muxuan also noticed Xiao Yu and Luo Feng at this time, but his attention was placed on Xiao Yu's body, and his mind was suddenly slightly startled by this look.


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