Shura God Emperor

Chapter 4626: Duanmuxuan

If it was just an ordinary person, Duanmuxuan would definitely not pay such attention. After all, with his talent and strength, not to mention the entire Shenmu Valley, but the entire Coffin Continent, that was among the best.

But Xiao Yu's appearance made him feel ashamed.

Yes, it's ashamed.

Xiao Yu's face was like a crown jade, and his extremely handsome face seemed to be the purest and most exquisite rough jade carved out of the skill.

This was because Xiao Yu had undergone the physical creation of the spirit wood core, and the result of the transformation of the life and spiritual power deep in the blood of the Duanmu family of Mu Tanquan.

Let Xiao Yu, who was originally handsome, become like the son in the portrait walking out.

In addition, with the improvement of Xiao Yu's strength, his temperament and demeanor are naturally also elegant, and what people can see is a kind of outstanding genius.

The most peculiar thing is that Duan Muxuan felt a very familiar breath from this young man.

This kind of breath unexpectedly resonated with his blood.

Just like a brother.

No, it should be said that it is like his own brother.

But Duanmuxuan can be 100% sure that this person must not belong to their Duanmu family.

He had never seen a person with such a temperament, even if he did, he would almost certainly appear in their clan.

The second is that the breath that escapes from the depths of the blood of the opponent is indeed very pure, strong, and familiar, but for an outsider, from all aspects of the breath, it can be determined whether it is his own. The children of the Duanmu family can still do it easily.

Not to mention Duanmuxuan, it was Xiao Yu who walked out of Mutanquan. He was so familiar with him and had a profound aura than them, even he felt a little strange.

Duanmuqi quickly said, "This is our friend of Baiyueling. We came here to ask for help from everyone."

Patriarch is the honorific name given to the patriarch of the clan by all collateral Patriarchs.

After all, as the head of the clan, his status and strength are detached. His decision alone can change the future development of the entire Duanmu family.

Duanmuxuan withdrew his eyes and said in a puzzled way: "Patriarch he has recently realized a way. According to the Patriarch, it should be about two months before he can leave."

"Two months? Doesn't it mean to leave the customs until the annual meeting?" Duanmuqi's expression changed slightly.

Luo Feng's brows suddenly frowned.

Yes, in two months, when the sacrificial meeting comes, it will be equivalent to just encountering the people of the Mu family clan!

However, Luo Feng looked at Xiao Yu next to him. Xiao Yu was expressionless. He couldn't help rolling his eyes. This guy really didn't burn himself on his body in a hurry!

Of course Luo Feng knew that Xiao Yu had planned to wait for the arrival of the Mu family clan here in the Duanmu clan.

That's the case, but during this period, at least there must be time to discuss with the Duanmu Patriarch about how to release the spirit of the earth veins!

Because this is the most important purpose of their trip.

"Oops, if everyone leaves the customs at that time, then that matter will be a bit troublesome. Maybe it hasn't been solved yet, and Mu Family will be killed." Duanmuqi said anxiously.

Duanmuxuan was moved: "Elder Chess, what did you say Mu Family killed?"

"I'll tell you later, who can preside over the family affairs now?"

"Elder Song, but Elder Song won't be back until tomorrow." Duan Muxuan said.

"Okay! This matter is of great importance, I will talk about it when Elder Song comes back."

Duan Muxuan didn't ask much either. After all, although he was a genius disciple, he was still not in charge.

In this way, the three of them temporarily lived here in the Duanmu clan.


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