Shura God Emperor

Chapter 4627: Wood Spirit (Part 1)

Duanmuqi's approach is actually good. After all, Duanmuxuan is the most talented genius child of the family, but in any case, he cannot preside over the overall situation.

Duanmu Song is the elder with the highest family standing and the top three in strength. Since Duanmu's master is not there, Duanmu Song naturally has to support him.

After all, if this matter is told to the juniors, Duanmuqi is afraid of causing unnecessary sensation and there is no one who can stabilize the military spirit.

Although Duanmuxuan was strange, he didn't talk too much with other elders, only that the arrival of Duanmuqi was related to the Mu family.

The faces of the elders of the clans were slightly moved, but Duanmuqi kept silent, and their hearts were vaguely uneasy.

For Xiao Yu, this matter himself also had a part, but his state of mind had long since reached the point where soldiers came to cover up the water, so he didn't worry too much.

In short, he will try his best to help what he wants to do, and now he has to wait.

Luo Feng, like a bird that had been trapped for hundreds of years, ran out to wander in Shenmu Valley whenever he had time.

Duanmu's house is very large, it is almost like a natural manor, with pavilions, towers and pavilions, it is almost like a small forest.

This huge Wannian family does have an ancient charm in it. If it weren't for those taboo secrets, this kind of environment is simply refreshing.

After all, Xiao Yu is a very sensitive person with six senses, so he can easily feel anything wrong.

Especially under this kind of environment full of richness to the extreme, any blemish is easy to be magnified, which affects certain moods.

Of course, this is definitely not a random flaw, otherwise the clan of the Duanmu family would not discover it so late.

Yes, Xiao Yu is determined, the master of the Duanmu family must know the taboo secret method.

Maybe he has no choice, or maybe he is helpless, so this matter is the same as that of the Duanmu family, the white moon leader, and he won't tell ordinary people casually.

Even the Duanmu family of Bai Yueling didn't know anything.

Walking, Xiao Yu came to the courtyard of a mansion of the Duanmu family, where dozens of Duanmu family children gathered here.


Xiao Yu was a little curious. He walked over and discovered that it was a bunch of children of the Duanmu family. They seemed to be trying.

There were only two people in the field. They were sitting cross-legged. In front of him, there were two small green hurricanes.

Among them, the small hurricane on the left has condensed into a flower that is half human.

The man on the right, the hurricane in front of him turned into a tiger as big as a meter.

Immediately afterwards, a strange scene appeared. The half-human green flower of the man on the left suddenly began to spur, turning into a three-meter-high piranha. The piranha was very terrifying, and it was immediately Pounced, and then wrapped around the tiger.

What Xiao Yu didn't expect was that this plant would turn into such a piranha.

The tiger was entangled, and it immediately roared, a wave of energy began to vibrate out, and the people around quickly retreated, leaving a range of 100 meters.

Immediately afterwards, the tiger suddenly rose up against the storm, turning into a giant white-fronted insect with a huge eye-catching eyes several meters.

Then he fought with the piranha.

Xiao Yu suddenly became interested and stopped to watch.


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