Shura God Emperor

Chapter 4642: The Secret Meeting of the Elders (Part 1)

"Aqi, when I came back, I heard what A Xuan said that the Mu family was going to kill the door. What did it mean?" Duan Musong stared at Duanmuqi and asked.

The relationship between Duanmu's clan and collateral family is actually very good. Duanmuqi also often comes to the clan, so everyone knows him.

Duan Musong went to work outside and encountered such a big incident as soon as he came back, and he knew what was wrong with the decision.

Now the Mu family clan has not come, but Fenglan Yu and Ishikawa Yu have killed them.

Duanmuqi did not hide it, sighed, and then told what happened to Bai Yueling.

When everyone heard this, their expressions were moved, but they were silent immediately, their expressions a little sad.

Even the head of Duan Mu Song's face sank slightly, and a solidified atmosphere spread throughout the lobby.

"Unexpectedly, you still know."

After a while, Duan Mu Song sighed.

Duanmuqi saw the changes in their faces, especially with the addition of Duanmu Song's words, his face changed drastically, and he quickly asked: "Elder Song, what do you knew it all morning!!!"

Although he had already thought of this result before he came, because Xiao Yu and the Spirit of Earth Vein had already told them, but Duanmu Che still didn't believe it.

After all, if the clan really knows, how can they not want to help the entire Duanmu family!

"Is there really no way?"

"There must be a way, right!"

Duanmuqi asked that sentence, but he had already guessed something from their reaction.

But he still had hope, thinking that the clan must have a way to get in touch with this so-called taboo secret method, so he asked the second question.

"Aqi, I'm not afraid to tell you, the patriarchs of the past, everyone knows this, but do you think we haven't thought of a way?"

Duan Musong shook his head and said: "If the spirit of the earth veins has something to say to you, maybe you already know it, maybe the only way is to destroy the spirit of the earth veins, so that the forbidden secret method will also disappear. But this way, there is no With the spirit of life on which to survive, in this plane, we still cannot escape the fate of decline."

Duanmu Xianglin also nodded and said: "Yes, so the spirit of the earth veins is correct. If the spirit of the earth veins is destroyed, I am afraid that our clan will decline faster than this state."

"Isn't this the same as waiting to die?" Duanmuqi looked very excited.

He came to the clan with expectations, but who knew it was the answer he didn't want to believe in the depths of his heart!

"No," Duan Musong sighed. "We have been looking for a way these years, but there is no good way to crack it."

"Furthermore, the spirit of life of the spirit of the earth veins has penetrated into the blood and bones of all the children of our race, and it has affected us very deeply. If there is a way to crack it, it will definitely hurt our foundation. Let us All the clansmen are greatly injured." Duanmu Xianglin said.

Everyone bowed their heads slightly and remained silent.

Duanmuqi became more and more excited, and said: "It's better to suffer a severe injury than my clan is slowly destroyed!"

"The key is this method. Patriarchs of the past generations have not found such a method. If there is a choice, of course we hope to have a short pain instead of being tortured by this curse." When Duan Musong said this, he was already very weak. .

Duanmuqi suddenly stopped talking. In fact, he could feel that their white moon-collars, the elders of the clan, were actually tortured by the curse.

But Duanmuqi immediately thought of a person and said: "There is a way, there should be a way, he said that this taboo secret is related to them!"


The eyes of those present flickered, not too surprised.


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