Shura God Emperor

Chapter 4643: The Secret Meeting of the Elders (Part 2)

They thought of the young man Duanmuqi brought back yesterday, and then first arrived at the arrival of today's Mu family.

"Aqi, what is going on, who is that kid?" Duanmu Donglu stared at Duanmuqi.

Yesterday Duanmuqi killed him and refused to say who Xiao Yu was. Now that he can only solve this problem, isn't this the absurdity of the world?

And it even touched on the Mu Family!

This is a very serious matter!

At the same time, this is related to the grievances between the two thousands of years of history!

"Who are you talking about?" Duan Musong frowned.

Duanmu Donglu then told Duanmu Song that Xiao Yu defeated Duanmu Zhi in the competition field yesterday.

Duan Mu Song was a little surprised when he heard it. Among the elders and deacons present, some of them were not present yesterday, but they had also heard of this.

Only Duan Mu Song came back today, so I don't know.

"If it sounds like this, that kid is indeed amazing. He not only has the breath of life energy, if you don't know it, you will think he is a member of our family."

"If my guess is correct, he should have cultivated some kind of wood attribute or life and earth attribute exercises, so that he can feel the same aura as ours."

"I don't think it is. The kind of breath on him is even... even more pure and vast than ours to some extent."


The last words were said by Duanmu Xianglin.

The strength of Duanmu Xianglin is unquestionable. Among the people present, except for Duanmu Song, who is in Yuanpu realm, so is Duanmu Xianglin.

"Xianglin, you can't just say this casually." One of the deacons said solemnly.

Although they all know, the world is full of countless unknowns.

Don't say that the scattered secret techniques are physique, various **** patterns, talents, etc., which are all normal.

It's just that they have a kind of pride in their bones. They are the oldest first family in the Coffin Continent. In terms of their sense of life and the attributes of the earth, there is no one in Coffin Continent that can compare with them.

Duanmuqi sighed and said, "Big Brother Xianglin is true. This little brother is not an ordinary person. Not only does he come from Cangling Academy, he is also an innate life spirit body."

"Cangling Academy!"

"Innate life spirit!"

At this time, the whole audience was blown up.

"It's no wonder that he has such a temperament, so he has this identity! And he is still an innate spirit body! Or a life spirit body, no wonder I feel a familiarity in him." Duanmu Xianglin exclaimed.

They had vaguely thought of this before.

If it weren't for a special physique, or God's favor, how could it be possible to have such a pure aura.

Duanmu Donglu solemnly said: "This is not the key. The key is, Aqi, you said that the taboo secret is related to the Mu family? Do you know that you can't say anything casually! If this is known by the family's children, it will cause both parties Increasing hostility."

Duanmusong, Duanmu Xianglin and others secretly glanced at each other, and their eyes seemed to be concealed.

"Actually I don't know, it's the little brother's guess."

Duanmuqi felt very uncomfortable all over.

When Xiao Yu was confronting Mu Zhong, he had already said that he had a relationship with the Mu Family. Of course, Mu Zhong did not admit it, and it was impossible to admit it.

They certainly do not want to believe the one-sided words of a foreigner.

It's not that they are defending the Mu Family, but they know deep in their hearts that this is always their own people, with the same blood!

Duanmu Song winked at Duanmu Donglu, who changed the subject and said, "The arrival of the Shichuan domain and Fenglan domain, is it also related to this kid?"

"Yes, that's what I want to say next."

Then Duanmuqi relayed Xiao Yu's words to everyone present.

"What!? It's just nonsense!"


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