Shura God Emperor

Chapter 4645: Master Duanmu!

Duan Musong laughed loudly, his laughter was more of a kind of unwillingness and rising.

"Elder Song..."

Everyone felt very sad when seeing Duan Mu Song's weak and wild laughing gesture.

Then Duanmu Song said awe-inspiringly: "What you said is right, the ancestors are not wrong, and the mistake is when we knew that the danger was coming and the extinction had already come, we actually chose to accept it, this is a big mistake!"

Duanmuqi also didn't expect that his own words would make Duanmu Songmao stop feeling.

Duan Musong raised his head and said with emotion: "I know that someone must have awakened you. If I guess right, it is the little brother? I am very interested in knowing what kind of person he is and what kind of character he has. Only then can we reverse the deepest roots of a family for thousands of years."

Duan Mu Song said that, many people were even more impressed with the young man.

They actually admit one thing deep down in their hearts. In fact, they already had these consciousnesses early on, but they didn't admit it.

Duanmu chess is like a sharp sword, forcing them to admit their cowardice and forcing them to rise.

Duanmu said: "So, Elder Song is willing to help him?"

Everyone was shocked again, and someone anxiously said: "After all, this is killing Muzhong and Mu Lingxiong! Let's not say whether they can kill them, it is simply killing them, it is not a small trouble!"

Duanmu Song said awe-inspiringly: "They are unkind, so don't blame us for being unrighteous! As long as you don't know it, you can."

Duanmu Donglu and others were shocked, after all, they rarely had any disputes with beings before, let alone killing them.

But Duan Mu Song seemed to have completely changed a person, which of course made them a little uncomfortable.

Duanmu Xianglin's eyes were also murderous and awe-inspiring: "If the taboo curse really has something to do with them, then don't blame us for being ruthless! Because they want all of us to die!! This is already deceiving the master and destroying the ancestor!"

"Yeah! They are so frantic! This is for us to never live beyond birth!"

"Too vicious! If this is the case, we will not be able to hold back!"

The neutral Duanmu Donglu still said in a deep voice: "After all, this is the one-sided word of the kid. There is no evidence that they did it. This matter is of great importance. I think I should ask everyone for advice."

The other neutral faction also solemnly said: "Yes, if we really help the kid, and the Mu family knows about it, we will become an accomplice. Plus this kid is not in the pure spirit realm! This is simply impossible. , Maybe they will have a bite back. When the time comes, the Mu Family will take the opportunity to make trouble at the annual sacrificial ceremony, and it will be really dangerous."

But at this moment, a deep voice rang in the hall——

"I have heard what you said, and I also want to see how this kid is capable. We have endured it for so many years. It's time to resist. Let's see if this kid can promote the rise of our family. "

"It's everyone!"

Everyone was stunned, isn't everyone in retreat? How could his consciousness be here?

"Aqi, you are right. We have been deceiving ourselves all the time. It's not that we haven't tried to resist, but we have never had a chance. Now that you already know about the spirit of the earth veins, let you try it." The deep voice sounded again.

But Duanmu Donglu's face changed a lot and said: "But master, this thing has not happened, to us Shenmugu..."

"If the family has me, it means that I will lose my life, and I will keep the family."

After all, the sound just disappeared slowly.

Everyone stopped talking.


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