Shura God Emperor

Chapter 4646: Are you looking for me

Duanmu Donglu didn't say anything, because he knew that even the lord had nodded and agreed, so the rest will depend on the good fortune of Duanmuqi and the young man.

Duanmuqi wiped the tears on his face, looking very surprised.

Because of the support of Duanmu family's first master, it is completely different!

However, Duanmu Xianglin stared at Duanmuqi solemnly and said: "Aqi, although the Patriarch and we have agreed, but you must know that it is impossible for us to come forward on this matter, and we only have one chance."

"Yes," Duan Musong took a deep breath and said, "I don't know what ability this kid has, but I hear you say that since he can kill the Hedao Realm with the Three Spirit Realm, he still has an unknown power on him, we Let's just look at his ability next to him."

Duanmuqi nodded heavily.

To be honest, for Xiao Yu, although he did not believe it 100%, he was still willing to believe that young man.

Because those eyes that come clear and as bright as stars are not deceiving.

Moreover, if members of the Mu family intervene in this matter, the Maple Land and Ishikawa Region will notice some clues, and it will be difficult to explain to the Mu Family.

To some extent, the Duanmu family can be regarded as killing people with a knife!

Of course, this knife had asked for the murder of people, and this knife was Xiao Yu.

Duanmu Donglu knew that this matter could no longer be opposed, he pondered for a moment, and said: "There is a poisonous swamp in the north of Shenmu Valley, where we all will pass. Since he is a spiritual body of innate life, he should have some poison With a certain resistance, it's better to let that kid go over there and fight them."

Duan Musong nodded and said: "If there is a battle there, the movement caused is indeed the smallest. After all, the north has always been our blockade, so that people in the Maple and Ishikawa regions can't easily pass there, and can be less disturbed. "

Everyone made up their minds, and Duanmuqi left.

I don't know why, even people like the neutral school Duanmu Donglu and others have a hint of expectation in their hearts.

After all, this is their Duanmu family's first resistance, and they still deal with their own people!

Of course, they are also a little worried.

But this worry is quickly filled with anger.

If the Mu Family is really a person who practiced the taboo secret method, then they should be punished like this! This is not a betrayal of the tribe, this is to clear the door!

"Great Elder, don't you really tell him?" Duanmu Donglu asked in a low voice, thinking of Duanmuqi's stern expression just now.

Everyone bowed their heads and sighed.

Duanmu Xianglin said, "Donglu, you should also know that the matter is very important at this time. If you can conceal it as much as possible, it is best for him and for all the children of the collateral family."

Another elder also said: "Yes, after all we have sacrificed so many elders and masters in the past. If you tell them at this time, if they follow suit, then the sacrifices of the ancestors will be wasted."

Another elder whispered: "However, what we do is just a drop in the bucket, drinking poison to quench thirst..."

Everyone was silent.

After a while, Duan Musong spoke, and said: "We have not concealed this matter and have concealed it for so long. The ancestors are not bad and wrong, and this is the only way. Now, I really want to see where this kid is. The confidence that came, where is he sacred..."

Everyone looked forward to and worried in their hearts.

And inside the pavilion on the other side of Shenmu Valley.

At this time Mu Lingxiong, Mu Chunhao, and Mu Zhong were in the room, and they seemed to be waiting for something.

After a while, Binggui opened the door and entered.

"How is the investigation?" Both of them looked towards Binggui.

"The domain master really guessed right. Three people came to Duanmu's house three days ago. One of them is Duanmuqi, and there are two others. They don't know who it is, but they say they are two young people."

"It took some time for the subordinates to overheard. The physical signs of the two boys in the white moon collar are very similar. It is not surprising that it is them."

Mu Zhong's eyes flashed a murderous intent, and the corners of his mouth raised, and said: "We only spent two days after we came back from Baiyueling. According to time calculations, they should be two or three days earlier than us. Shenmugu came from here. There are not many people in the clans, especially those who go into the clan, so there are even fewer, he is undoubtedly."

"Huh! What are you waiting for, let's go ask someone! I'm going to tear this kid!" Mu Lingxiong patted the table and got up angrily.

But at this moment, there was a voice in the room——

"Muzhong, Mu Lingxiong, are you looking for me?"

It's him!

Mu Zhong's eyes burst into pieces.


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