Shura God Emperor

Chapter 4659: Flee in a hurry

"What else?" Xiao Yu asked again.

Mu Zhong took a deep breath, looked at Xiao Yu deeply, and said, "I didn't expect that your courage would be so great. I'm afraid you planned to go to the clan early on."

"It's just that you didn't expect that we would suddenly change our plan and go to Shenmu Valley in advance. This will give you today's killer."

Xiao Yu nodded, exclaimed slightly, and said, "Mu Zhong, Mu Zhong, you are really too smart. You said that I'm careful, why are you not scheming?"

"But it's a pity, you are too self-confident in yourself, or arrogant, you don't know my variable, far beyond your expectations."

Hearing this, Mu Zhongxin's head suddenly sank.

The young man's disposition was simply terrifying, and at this moment, he was so calm, as if everything was under his control.

Mu Zhong's eyes were murderous, staring at Xiao Yu, and said: "So, you must kill me?"

Xiao Yu gently lifted his eyelids and opened his eyelids. In a moment, the murderous intent in his eyes began to jump frantically.

"Since you know so many things about me, if I let you go back, isn't it just digging my own grave?"


At this time, Mu Zhong suddenly became unafraid. He grinned and said, "You killed me, but it was just a moment of happiness. As I said, once I die, your whereabouts will be exposed, and your conspiracy can no longer succeed!"

"Really? But if you don't die, my trouble will be even greater."

As soon as the words fell, Xiao Yu rushed towards Mu Zhong, and then the Qingmu Sword started, suddenly killing him.

Seeing this scene, Mu Zhong's eyes showed a hideous color.

"Boy, you forced me!"

Mu Zhong seemed to have known his fate a long time ago, he immediately yelled, and the energy in his body started to explode.

"Burning repair base!"

Xiao Yu suddenly felt the terrifying vitality of Mu Zhong's body.

But Mu Zhong suffered a very serious injury after all. In addition, even the essence and blood were refined just now, so his fighting power is not much left at the moment, but if it is used to escape, the second layer of the Huayu Realm can't chase it. Get on him.

"call out!"

Mu Zhong is indeed very smart. He knows very well that if he fights in this situation, his chances of winning are not great, so he simply uses the power of the burning cultivation base to escape.

"Boy, the mountain doesn't turn around, you kill my son and today's hatred, I will return it a hundred times in the future!!"

Mu Zhong let out a low growl, turning into a blue light to escape.

"Damn boy, forcing me to refine my essence and blood, my cultivation base has been burned, and my foundation will have to lose at least ten years!!" Mu Zhong roared inwardly.

Such torture under the severe injury simply killed him.

But life can't be repeated, escape from here is the real thing to do.

Seeing the figure in the distance fleeing, Xiao Yu's eyes suddenly stunned.

Indeed, if you can't kill Mu Zhong, the result may be the same, that is, Xiao Yu still wants to deal with Mu Teng.

But if you don't kill Mu Zhong, they won't even have two months of preparation time, because it must be a tough battle, and if the Mu family clan initiates an attack in advance, he will also harm the Duanmu family here.

Therefore, Mu Zhong must kill now!

Xiao Yu took a deep breath, and his body began to flicker with golden light, and the metallicity and spatial law attribute power also converged at the same time.

Jinshi flash technique!

"But I'm afraid it will be difficult to catch up with my Jinshi flashing technique. It seems that I will use life spirit power."


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