Shura God Emperor

Chapter 4660: Mu Zhong's dying secret

Thinking of this, Xiao Yu was a little bit reluctant.

Life spirit power is not consumed by him in this way, it is used for breakthroughs, absorption and refining.

If it is used blindly on the increase of combat power, what is the difference between this and ordinary spirit pills?

Because ordinary spirit pills can also enhance their own energy, thereby temporarily increasing their combat effectiveness.

The only difference is that because life spirit power, the softest power in the world, can be continuously compressed without breaking the body, this enables Xiao Yu to increase his power to a certain extent.

But if it is an ordinary spirit pill, then there will be a limit, once it exceeds the range of the physical body, it will appear very dangerous.

You know, in the match between Jinshi Flash Art and Black Tiger Hall Team Leader Wu Qi at that time, it actually proved that Xiao Yu possessed the body speed of the Dao Realm under the full urging.

At that time, Wu Qi was already suppressing his strength and Xiao Yu's speed at the body test, but the Jinshi flash technique was still better than the ladder technique.

But now Mu Zhong is Huayu Realm! Still burning repair base!

But who knows, the voice of the Golden Wing Roc rang out--

"Boy, I have recovered a lot these days, I will help you!"

Xiao Yu was startled, but the Golden Winged Dapeng took the initiative to help him?

But before he could react, Xiao Yu could only see golden light flashing all over his body.

This is the Golden Winged Great Peng taking his power to Xiao Yu's body.

The Golden Winged Roc was originally the Kun of the Northern Underworld, and the king of the Northern Underworld. After becoming the Golden Winged Roc, the attribute has changed to metallic.

No, Xiao Yu felt that he had an extremely strong sense of metallic spiritual power.

"You recovered so much!"

Xiao Yu was taken aback. The Golden Wing Roc's realm of strength was restored, and it had reached the stage of transforming feathers!

This guy is still his own tool! He didn't even pay attention to the one who was in communion with himself.

"Of course, do you think that our ancient beasts are vegetarian?" Golden Wing Roc said proudly.

In fact, what he didn't say was that whether it was Golden Wing Roc or Qiongqi, these two monsters had gained too much benefit from Xiao Yu.

Xiao Yu's talent and understanding, understanding of cultivation, and various opportunities, this disguised form is equivalent to helping them!

Xiao Yu didn't talk nonsense, his figure moved, and the golden light ran out like a thunder and lightning.

After just a few breaths, Xiao Yu's figure caught up with the figure in front of him.

Mu Zhong himself had escaped thousands of meters away, but what made him shocked was that the figure behind actually caught up with him!

"how is this possible!?"

Although he had a little bit of psychological preparation, Mu Zhong was almost frightened.

"Is this kid a ghost?"

All his power was used to escape, he really didn't have much energy.

Finally, Mu Zhong felt a kind of despair.

"Mu Zhong, do you still want to escape?" Xiao Yu's desperate voice sounded behind Mu Zhong.

Mu Zhong cried out in fear: "Boy, you can't kill me, I'll tell you a secret!"

Xiao Yu's eyes dazzled, Qingmu Sword started, and then he swung out a sword.

Mu Zhong couldn't dodge, and he immediately received a sword from his back. The sword qi cut a half-meter long blood mark on his back. Mu Zhong spouted out blood and fell to the ground.

But Mu Zhong did not die, and Xiao Yu did not intend to kill him.

"What last words do you have when you die?"

Xiao Yu walked over, holding the green wood sword, looking extremely indifferent under the night.

"I lost, I lost, you spare me, even if you let me go back, my whole life will be abandoned!"

Xiao Yu didn't speak, and Qingmu Jian raised.

Mu Zhong's face changed drastically, and he said, "It's about taboo secrets!!"

Xiao Yu stopped the movement in his hand, his eyes flashed with surprise.


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