Shura God Emperor

Chapter 4661: Soul Contract of Soul Eater

Seeing that Xiao Yu had stopped, Mu Zhong heaved a sigh of relief, his eyes flashed with success.

Mu Zhong temporarily stopped the injury behind his back. He slowly got up, staring at Xiao Yu, and said: "You must go to Shenmu Valley to remove this taboo secret for them, but do you know the origin of this taboo?"

"Go on." Xiao Yu said.

Of course, he is very interested in knowing this history.

But Mu Zhong seemed to have grasped Xiao Yu’s weakness. Fortunately, he said: "I am now a bad life. It will not do you any good for you to kill me, but I will tell you this secret. To some extent, I am Betrayed the family."

Xiao Yu smiled contemptuously and said, "Betrayal of the family? If I guess correctly, this taboo secret is related to you. Who betrayed the family first?"

Mu Zhong snorted and said, "This is a grievance between our ancestors and it has nothing to do with us. Besides, if we don't do this, we will end up in decline as they are now, and the Coffin Continent does not have our blood!"

Xiao Yu was silent.

Mu Zhong stared at Xiao Yu, and said, "I want you to put a poison on yourself. If you kill me, you will die!"

"Oh? Are you making terms with me?" Xiao Yu smiled.

"I said, I have a bad life. Although I am afraid of death, I also know my current situation. I now exchange a secret for you and a promise, and this secret is countless to you and to them. life!"


Xiao Yu laughed and said, "Mu Zhong, do you think I'm stupid? Even if you tell me this secret, at best, you just know why the taboo secret exists, and what I want is a cracking method."

"You are predicting that even if I know this secret, even if the Duanmu family knows this secret, it will be of no avail. It will only increase worries and have no strength to do with your Mu family. Because if the Duanmu family really has the ability, they Cracked early in the morning."

Mu Zhong's expression changed, this young man was really not easy! The heart is like a mirror!

Mu Zhong's face looked a little ugly as if he had been seen through his thoughts.

"However, I am interested in this secret. How do I swear?" Xiao Yu said lightly, and glanced at Mu Zhong intentionally or unintentionally.

Mu Zhong was overjoyed, he flipped his hand, and then a green spirit pill appeared. There was some kind of soul fluctuation on the spirit pill.


Xiao Yu suddenly became curious, there was a soul fluctuation in the spirit pill?

"This is called the Soul Eater Pill. It has a small soul formation in it. After you swallow it, and then swear an oath, the soul formation will affect your soul. If you violate it, the soul formation will It will activate and release toxins, and even Da Luo Jinxian can't save you."

It really is a poisonous pill!

Xiao Yu narrowed his eyes, and on the dark green spirit pill, he had already sensed the energy fluctuation of a familiar toxin.

"Mu Zhong, it seems you really think well!"

Xiao Yu nodded in admiration and said, "According to you."

Mu Zhong handed it over, Xiao Yu looked it up curiously, his eyes were not wavering, Mu Zhong was nervous when he saw it.

But Xiao Yu didn't say anything and swallowed it in.

"If I break my promise to kill Mu Zhong, I will be poisoned and die."

As soon as the spirit pill entered Xiao Yu's body, it turned into a warm current, and then merged into his soul, as if there was something hidden in his soul.

"It turns out that the soul contract formation of the Soul Devouring Pill is like this." Xiao Yu secretly said in his heart, this is his first personal experience of the soul contract formation of the poison spirit pill.

"Okay, you can talk."


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