Shura God Emperor

Chapter 4668: Duanmu

"What's the matter with them? Taboo secrets are constantly affecting our children, and they are not rushing!" Back to the room, Duan Muqi became a little angry.

It is not to blame Duan Mu Song, but Duan Mu Qi felt that Duan Mu Song did not seem to attach much importance to it.

I was so anxious like myself, and even waited until Duan Mu Song came back before willing to talk about it.

Xiao Yu said: "Elder Chess, it's not that they are not in a hurry, but that they actually knew it early on."

"But even if I knew it early in the morning, I should think of a way! Time is running out!"

Such a big thing, if the Duanmu family of Shenmugu didn't know it, then it must be impossible.

But it is because you know that you are nervous, isn't it?

"Because they know that it is almost impossible to lift this curse in the future." Xiao Yu finally said it.

"What did you say!?" Duanmuqi's expression changed drastically.

Xiao Yu didn't want to deceive such a kind person, and immediately said the yin and yang things that Mu Zhong had said to him before he killed Mu Zhong.


Duanmuqi's whole person was dull, and he sat on the stool with a sad expression on his face.

"No wonder they don't seem to care. It turns out that they knew that to touch this curse, they must have the Yang Veins of the Mu Family, but..."

But is it possible?

This is equivalent to letting the Mu Family hand over the Yang Veins!

The Mu family doesn't have a good impression of the Duanmu family, and to a certain extent, they even want to eradicate the Duanmu family. Is it possible for them to hand over the Yang veins?

Then Duanmu chess seemed to scream something, grabbing Xiao Yu's hands, and hurriedly said, "Isn't that why you came here? Xiao Yu, you have to help us find a way."

Xiao Yu nodded and said, "I will think of a way, but the key is their attitude. If they are willing to give me a try, it may be possible, but I think...the opportunity is not great."

This was indeed beyond Xiao Yu's expectations.

He originally thought that with his own innate life spirit body and the possession of Tianmu branches, maybe he could try it.

Who knew that the Duanmu family and the Mu family had such a relationship when they were separated, which shows that the combination of Yin and Yang may be the only way.

Of course, this may not necessarily be true, but Xiao Yu didn't have the opportunity to try, and he didn't dare to make any conclusions.

Duanmuqi's whole person looked very weak, his eyes dimmed a lot.

Including him, all the people in White Moon Collar put their hope on Xiao Yu, and suddenly said no, of course it was very shocking.

Xiao Yu thought for a while, and said, "In fact, there is one more thing I haven't said."

Duanmuqi's heart tightened, looking at Xiao Yu, the latter's eyes flickered, and said: "The reason why the Mu Family held this year's annual meeting here in Shenmu Valley is because they plan to seize the Yin Vessel!"

"what did you say!?"

Duanmuqi was like a bolt from the blue, his head was blank.

"No wonder..."

No one can understand the mood of Duanmuqi.

Now the chance of finding a way to break the curse is very small, even their only hope is gone!

"Heaven is going to perish my Duanmu family!!" Duanmuqi trembled and burst into tears.

Duanmuqi seems to be much older, hoarsely: "So you didn't say it just now."

"Yes, because once I say it, I'm afraid the entire Duanmu family will be in chaos."

"Haha, but is there a difference..." Duanmuqi smiled miserably.

Xiao Yu seemed calm enough, and said, "Elder Qi, have you forgotten my real purpose?"

Duanmuqi moved his mind and his eyes flickered. Xiao Yu squinted his eyes and said, "No matter what action the Mu Family has to do, it still can't stop what I'm going to do. Moreover, things are not bad enough. ."


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