Shura God Emperor

Chapter 4669: Pill Alchemy

These days Duanmu Chess kept themselves in the room and did not come out, and Duanmu Song and the others seemed to have a tacit understanding and did not seek Duanmu Ches.

Xiao Yu wouldn't bother Duanmuqi even more.

He knew that Duanmu chess at this time needed some time to calm down.

"This Mu Family is simply frantic!" Luo Feng was frightened.

"Forcing my own people to such a point, the poor Duanmu family, I'm afraid I don't know what happened after being sold."

Seeing Xiao Yu seemingly unhurried, Luo Feng became curious: "Brother Yu, you don't seem to be anxious at all! You have eaten someone else's chicken legs, but you haven't worked yet."

"I have told the elder Qi. As for how to make a judgment, it is between him and Shen Mugu. Besides, even if I have that heart, they must believe me." Xiao Yu shook his head and said.

Luo Feng thought for a while, and said helplessly: "Yes, they gave up on themselves, and the chess elders are disappointed with them. As outsiders, what else can we do."

Xiao Yu's eyes dimmed, and said, "What's more, my main task is to get the wood to burn the fire. Since the Mu Family is holding the annual ritual meeting here in Shenmu Valley, I will save me to find him."

Luo Feng was still a little worried, and said, "Brother Yu, to be honest, I'm still worried! Are you really okay?"

Xiao Yu smiled and said, "Unless the woman tells me the method is false, you shouldn't be afraid. If the momentum isn't right by that time, you can just run away."

"Bah! Am I so greedy for life and fear of death? You too underestimate me, the big deal will be when you die with them." Luo Feng said in a loud voice at the beginning, and when it came to the back, his voice became smaller. .

Xiao Yu shook his head and smiled. At this moment, there was suddenly noisy outside, and Xiao Yu frowned.

"What's wrong? Something seems to have happened." Luo Feng was also strange.

Immediately afterwards, a figure rushed over outside the door.

"Brother Feng, Brother Feng, something bad happened!"

Luo Feng went to open the door, and a 15-year-old boy from Duanmu's family came in.

In the past few days, Luo Feng played very well with this group of young people, and often pointed them, this person is a younger brother of Luo Feng, whose name is Duanmu Xueqi.

"Brother, your brother Feng is fine!" Luo Feng said that Duanmu Xueqi was in vain.

"No! The young lady's alchemy is going to go crazy!" Duanmu Xueqi said palely.

Luo Feng was taken aback: "Miss Duanmu?"

Xiao Yu frowned.

He knew that Miss Duanmu, whose name was Duanmu Shilan, was the most talented alchemist in the Duanmu family's generation. He heard that she could refine Earth Spirit Pills when she was twelve or three.

At that time Shen Mugu thought he had produced a super talented alchemist.

But who knows, Duanmuxiao's alchemy cultivation started to slow down when he was fifteen years old, and until now he was eighteen years old, he has been stuck at the level of refining six-stripe earth spirit pills.

Although Xiao Yu had never been in contact with alchemy, his cultivation was tempered by Gongsun Jin in a disguised form, so Xiao Yu could spur him with the sixth-rank formation.

Correspondingly, although Xiao Yu could not refine the six-stripe Earth Spirit Pill, he at least knew some of the processes and principles of its refinement.

Moreover, from a certain perspective, Xiao Yu can also be regarded as an alchemist.

His most important purpose in coming to the Coffin Continent was actually to obtain the burning fire and then refine the spirit pill!

Because a more advanced alchemist, the spirit pill that is refined can break through the mortal body!

The soul breaks through the divine realm and breaks through the void!

Compared with the body breaking through the void and becoming a god, no one in the world can break through the void with the soul!

"Go and see!"

Luo Feng seemed to want to see this Miss Mu Jia side by side. He had just left the house and saw Xiao Yu and didn't mean to go out.

"Brother Yu, go with you too!"


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