Shura God Emperor

Chapter 4671: Shengxidan

The door of the alchemy room was open, but not many disciples wanted to get close, because they all felt an extremely strong flame aura coming out of it.

This flame is mixed with powerful energy fluctuations, making them retreat three feet.

Inside the door.

Duanmu Song, Duanmu Xianglin, Duanmu Donglu, and a white-haired old man, this old man is called Duanmu Huai, is the most powerful earth spirit alchemist in the Duanmu family of Shenmu Valley.

I saw Duanmu Shilan sitting cross-legged in front of the furnace tripod, Duanmu Song, Duanmu Xianglin, and Duanmu Donglu were in a triangular shape. They pointed their swords at the alchemy furnace, and the green beam of light in the sword pointed towards the furnace. Kanae shot over.

At the same time, Duan Mu Shilan's face was extremely pale.

The expressions of the three Duanmu Song are naturally very ugly.

"A Huai, what's going on? The three of us used a combined force to suppress the energy in it, but it seemed to be a drop in the bucket." Duan Mu Song's face was very heavy.

The three of them were also taken aback.

The three of them are already the most powerful elders and deacons in the family. With their strength, the energy of a six-stripe Earth Spirit Pill can be suppressed without expending too much effort.

But they unexpectedly discovered that with the combined strength of the three of them, they couldn't suppress the power inside!

What the **** is this! ?

Duanmu Huai beside him was of course distraught. He gritted his teeth and said, "I don't know either."

"Shilan, what kind of spiritual pill did you refine!?"

Duanmu Shilan's face was pale, and it could be seen that the anger in her body seemed to be constantly being consumed, and her whole body was trembling slightly.

"This...this is the'Life Pill'..."

"Shengxi Dan!?" Duanmuhuai's expression changed drastically, "No wonder, no wonder..."

"Ahuai, how could it be a life-bearing pill? The life-bearing pill is a life spirit pill, which supplements the power of life.

Duanmu Huai clenched his fist and said: "This is the case when the vitality pill is successfully refined, but because the elixir added in the middle is deadly, once the fire is not controlled well, it will swallow the life of the alchemist. This swallowing It is irreversible."


The expressions of the three of them changed drastically, and Duanmu Xianglin quickly said, "Can't even the three of us work together?"

Duanmu Huai's complexion appeared heavy, and said: "No, that elixir has already contacted the soul of the alchemist. Unless Shilan can suppress the death energy, otherwise..."

The eyes of the three of them all looked at Shi Lan with a sad look, their hearts were really cut.

They know Duan Mu Shilan's character too well.

This girl, who has been very talented since she was a child, was placed high hopes by the family, and even she herself felt that she could definitely become the most powerful genius in the history of the family.

But who knows, when she was fifteen years old, her alchemy speed slowed down, and it took three years to reach the level of five-stripe earth spirit pills.

They knew too much about Duanmu Shilan's character. She had always wanted to try higher-level spirit pills, but Duanmuhuai had never let her try.

Because it has not reached that level.

Until recently, Duanmu Shilan's five-patterned earth spirit pill had begun to become so perfect, Duanmu Huai began to let Duanmu Shilan refine the six-patterned earth spirit pills.

But who knows, Duanmu Shilan chose the dangerous life-bearing pill as soon as she came up!

"Three elders, I know I can't help it anymore..." Duan Mu Shilan's eyes dimmed, and she said sadly.

"It seems that I still don't have the talent to bring glory to the family..." Duan Mu Shilan said hoarsely, her tone already carrying a tired look.

"Silly girl!"


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