Shura God Emperor

Chapter 4672: Bloodline Spirit Power Suppression

The faces of Duan Mu Song and others were also sad.

They knew too much about Duanmu Shilan's character. If it wasn't because they wanted to help the family quickly, how could they choose the refining of the Shengxi Pill?

This is all for the family!

Of course, they know that all the family children have been lamented by the hard work Duan Mu Shilan has made in alchemy over the years.

She saw the decline of the family, and then she worked so hard to refine alchemy!

"It's all my fault, I shouldn't let you start refining the six-patterned earth spirit pill..." Duanmu Huai lowered his head guiltily.

Yes, just as Duanmu Shilan said, Duanmu Shilan doesn't have much soul power to suppress the death of the elixir in the alchemy furnace.

The end result, of course, is Duan Mu Shilan's life will be swallowed clean.

Duanmu Huai also felt that Duanmu Shilan's soul was constantly being weakened.

At this time, all the children outside the door showed a sad expression on their faces.

"Miss is really going to... die?"

"No, the young lady is the most talented alchemy genius in our clan! It is impossible for her to die so soon!"

"Yes! There must be some way!"

These children prayed in their hearts.

But there are only a few children of alchemy masters, and they feel sad.

"The life-bearing pill, among the six-stripe earth spirit pill... it seems that the rank is not low."

"Elder Huai said that after successful refining of this kind of spirit pill, there are many benefits, but there are some dangers in the middle of the refining. It is Elder Huai who refining himself and must be careful."

"How could young lady be so adventurous..."

The faces of these people are a little pale. The layman may not know the truth of the Shengxi Pill, but they do!

What they didn’t say was that Duan Mu Shilan’s time might be really bad luck.

But they are always members of the same family, and of course they don't want to see Duan Mu Shilan's accident.

In the crowd, Duanmuxuan took a deep breath, his eyes also secretly said.

What Duan Mu Song said was of course spread outside. To be honest, even he felt that the situation was very bad.

"Brother Xuan, will the lady be all right?" a teenage girl asked worriedly.

She is Duan Mu Shilan's close-knit maid named Xiao Mei, and her eyes are moist at this time.

The disciples around are all looking at the pillars of the younger generation.

"Shilan will be fine, don't worry." Duan Muxuan said comfortingly, his eyes dimmed and his fists clenched.

At this moment, an awe-inspiring voice came from inside.

"Let's try to use the bloodline spiritual power to suppress the dead energy inside!" Duan Mu Song decisively said in a condensed voice.

The complexion of the people outside suddenly changed.

"Bloodline Spiritual Power!"

Bloodline spiritual power can be described as natal power! Just like the essence and blood, once activated, it takes a certain amount of time to recover.

Even if it is not used well, it will have a certain impact on the cultivation base!

Duanmu Xianglin and Duanmu Donglu blinked, and then nodded without thinking.

The breath of the three of them broke out again, and a pure to the extreme life spirit began to shoot towards the alchemy furnace.

"I use my soul to draw these death breaths and pass it on to me!" Duanmu Huai also made up his mind and said harshly.

"No!" Duan Mu Shilan's face changed drastically, and she hurriedly called.

But how did she know that in order to save her, the four of them had already given up.

But who knows, after just a few minutes, there was only a "boom", but watching, the bloodline spiritual power of Duanmu Xianglin and Duanmu Donglu were forcibly shaken away, and Duanmu Huai was also affected by a huge force. It hits it out.

"Oops! This death is too strong! The bloodline and spiritual power can't be suppressed!"

The four of them paled, their method failed.

But at this moment, a young voice sounded--

"Let me try it."


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