Shura God Emperor

Chapter 4680: Mu Family's Wrath

Everyone in the lobby, including all the children outside the door, was stunned.

Although they had a little bad premonition in their hearts, they were shocked when they heard the news.

The strength of the Ishikawa domain and the maple blue domain are equal, and both are larger domains above the middle of their Mu family.

"The two domain masters should be in the Huayu Realm! Who can kill him?"

"There are many people who can kill them in the Coffin Continent. The key is who dares to do this?"

"Damn it, doesn't this take our Mu family to heart?"

All of these Mu family children glared.

For them, daring to kill the people of their Mu Family, of course there are in the Coffin Continent, but now they are talking about killing the Huayu Realm!

The eyes of Mu Bai and others flickered slightly, they knew exactly what it meant.

"Go in and say."

Then the group was replaced by a basement, with Mu Bai, Mu Teng, and a few powerful elders, and then Mu Chunhao and Binggui.

Mu Bo is very smart. He knew this was not a small matter when he heard it, so he didn't want to alarm the children outside too much.

Mu Bai's face was a bit ugly, including the other elders.

In the Coffin Continent, no one knows that the Mu family is the first family. Only the Mu family has always bullied others, and it is impossible for others to bully the Mu family.

now what?

Binggui took a deep breath, looked at Mu Teng, and asked, "Master Mu Teng knows about Yatou Town."

Mu Teng is also a member of the Mu family, so the life and death of the Mu family is also related to him.

But he was never the elder and deacon of Liuquan Valley, he could just make alchemy, so compared to Mu Bo and the others, the feeling of anger in his heart would be relatively less.

Of course, it is the domain owner who is dead now, a master of the Mu family, the situation is a little different.

Mu Teng frowned, his heart moved, his eyes flickered, and he said, "Is it related to Mu Haohui?"

"Mu Haohui? That is the one that Mu Teng thinks is very talented, and can be sent out of the world's big family by training?" Mu Bai asked.

Mu Teng nodded and told him intuitively that things seemed more complicated.

Mu Teng was very angry about Mu Haohui being killed.

Finally, a heavenly soul talent alchemist came out, and he was still a double cultivation.

Not only him, but Mu Bai and the others also felt very angry.

All five alchemy elites were killed at the same time!

Of course, because the annual sacrificial meeting is imminent, they temporarily put it down, but it doesn't mean they can forget, especially Mu Teng.

"It's that person who killed the Young Patriarch and the Domain Lord. Patriarch Mu Lingxiong was also killed by him!"

Mu Chunhao couldn't help it anymore, gritted his teeth and said: "There are also dozens of clansmen from my father and me who were also killed by him. He almost destroyed our Qingmu Town!"

"Huh?" Mu Bai's pupils shrank slightly, murderously.

Mu Teng's eyes had some astonishing soul fluctuations shrouded in them, and Mu Bo felt a heavy weight in his Heavenly Spirit Realm soul cultivation.

"Is this person very powerful? Doesn't he know that they are all from our Mu family?"

"It's lawless! Last time we put it aside for a while, did he get worse this time? Is it true that my Mu family is a vegetarian?"

This group of Mu family elders suddenly became angry.

To be honest, when the five alchemy geniuses of Fenglanyu were killed, they also sent someone to ask Fenglanyu's.

But at that time, Feng Lanyu didn't have much information, and Xiao Yu only appeared suddenly when Mu Zhong lifted his team to Bai Yueling.

So at that time, the Mu family didn't even know that the person who killed Mu Haohui and the others was the person who killed Mu Zhong and Mu Lingxiong now.

Immediately afterwards, Binggui said everything was one to five to ten.

"Damn it! The Shenmugu guys are so ambitious! Great elder, we will go to them to settle the account at this moment!!"


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