Shura God Emperor

Chapter 4681: The secret you shouldn't know (part one)

It was a black-clothed elder from the Huayu Realm who was speaking.

All the alchemy children gathered in Yatou Town were selected from the various domains of the Mu family from all over the mainland, and it can be said that they are all outstanding.

These alchemy children are all Mu Teng students, and they are also Mu Family's treasures!

The Mu Family relied on cultivating younger generations of alchemists, and then sending them to the five great temples, or the families of the major planes, before they could consolidate the status of the Coffin Continent in the Seventy-two Great Heavens.

This time, a rare genius appeared in Fenglanyu, and Mu Teng was distressed.

She gave Mu Haohui a high evaluation, but this person died before he arrived!

It is impossible to say that it is not distressed.

Of course, because Mu Teng wants to train his children recently, he can't tell much of his mind.

But this time, Binggui and Mu Chunhao came to the door in person, and there is still something to be said about this matter.

What follows is not only about Mu Teng, but also about the entire Mu Family!

How could they just sit back and watch?

It is not as simple as killing a few members of their Mu family, now it is possible to threaten their Mu family's status!

It is not surprising that a foreigner dared to destroy a small town, because they have many enemies in the Coffin Continent.

And this person dared to kill the pill refining genius appointed by Mu Teng, which already alarmed them.

What is even more unforgivable is that this person actually killed two masters of the Yuyu Realm.

This is already provoking the Mu family!

If they feel the same as last time and think they can solve it easily, then they will appear to be too passive.

Because the other party has already stepped on their door!

"Sixth, don't mess around with yourself."

It was a white-haired old man who was called Muronghua, the second elder, second only to Mubai in status and strength.

Mu Langhua said coldly: "In the Coffin Continent, those second- and third-rate families dare to deal with us secretly at most. They don't have the courage of this person at all. I suspect he was the person they invited."

"What the second elder said is reasonable." The third elder nodded in agreement.

The four elders immediately said in amazement: "But in this way, they should ask more talented people. According to what they said, this kid only has the Three Spirit Realm, but he has some secret methods."

"Will it be a cover? After all, if someone with too much strength comes over, the enchantment will tell us. But if in the case of the Three Spirit Realm, the Huayu Realm can be killed with the help of a secret method, which is terrifying."

Everyone became silent again, and their faces looked uncertain.

Yes, if Binggui and the others are telling the truth, it would be really terrifying.

On the contrary, it was Mu Bo. He seemed to have thought of something and said in deep thought, "You just said that there is a breath of life and spiritual power in that kid?"

Bing Gui said: "Yes, and it is very pure, even... not worse than the elders."

Everyone's eyes began to flicker. If this is true, then another thought flickered in their hearts. Will this person come to the Coffin Continent for any purpose?

This person may have some origins with the Duanmu family, otherwise why would he come here for no reason?

"Bing Gui, you tell us everything about this kid." Mu Bo said.

Binggui just said what happened, and didn't go into details about the battle with Mu Zhong, but his next words made the faces of the people present.

"This kid not only knows the Green Wood Sword, but also knows things about taboo secrets!"

"That's right! When we found the domain master's body, the domain master was killed very far away from Shenmu Valley. I think the state of the domain master's corpse should have stimulated the blood."

Mu Bai's eyes flickered, and he said in a deep voice, "I suspect, this kid knows something he shouldn't know..."

Everyone's heart moved, and the murderous eyes flashed.


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