Shura God Emperor

Chapter 4690: Taboo seal deep in the soul

Duanmu Shilan's soul world is also chaotic. Strictly speaking, this soul state is not much different from her own.

It's just that there is a faint green in the soul world of Duanmu Shiling.

"This is because of the blood of their successive generations." Xiao Yu secretly said in his heart.

With a wood attribute, a breath like spring.

"But her soul talent is really high! At least there is a sixth-level heavenly rank, and even a seventh-level heavenly rank." Xiao Yu secretly admired.

When he was in the lower planes, he actually encountered a lot. For example, Zhan Xiaoyu, who has the ability of space formation because of chance, and Han Shishi of Han Jiazhuang, a crafting genius, are all heaven-level soul talents.

However, they are only at the fourth level of the heavenly rank and the fifth level of the heavenly rank, but this Duanmu Shilan already has the sixth or seventh heavenly rank, which is already very high.

"Did you find anything?" Duan Mu Shilan asked worriedly.

"No, it's normal."

Even with Xiao Yu's soul perception ability, but still can't find too many clues.

"The only strange thing is that this chaotic space is not as good as mine."

Of course, Xiao Yu didn't say this sentence.

Duanmu Shilan can refine the five-patterned earth spirit pill, with Xiao Yu's current soul cultivation base, he can already start to activate the sixth-rank formation.

The soul cultivation base of the sixth-rank formation method, according to the conversion, if Xiao Yu has everything in place, that is, possesses flames, and has been practicing alchemy for a while, then he can at least refine seven-patterned earth spirit pills, or eight-patterned earth spirit pills !

The cultivation of the upper half of Shenhundao has reached such a realm.

Of course, it is definitely not good to hit people like this.

After all, Duanmu Shilan was already miserable.

What Xiao Yu could guess is that in three years, the power of the soul in the soul space has hardly increased, and whoever thinks it will collapse.

One can imagine how much pressure Duanmu Shilan is.

Xiao Yu had heard from Luo Feng before that all the hope of the Duanmu clan of Shenmugu was placed on Duanmu Shilan.

The super genius three years ago has almost become an ordinary person. Who else is the saddest person besides Duan Mu Shilan?

However, what made Xiao Yu admire was that Duan Mu Shilan had not given up even after knowing that her alchemy cultivation level had not improved. These tenacious wills were very rare to practice alchemy day and night.

Therefore, Xiao Yu didn't just go out after a brief look, because he still wanted to see if he could find something.

Tianmu **** array map!

Xiao Yu took a deep breath, and a branch from Tianmu branch stretched out through his consciousness to reach Duanmu Shilan's soul consciousness.

"this is?"

Duanmu Shilan was shocked, what is this? What is he going to do?

At this moment, Duan Mu Shilan's heart became tense, does he really have any evil intentions?

If there is really any evil intention, then my own soul consciousness is now in an open state!

But soon Duan Mu Shilan's heart became firm, and she still chose to believe in Xiao Yu.

Xiao Yu didn't explain so much. Under the control of his consciousness, Tianmu branches began to separate countless branches, and then slowly filled Duanmu Shilan's entire mind.

Duan Mu Shilan gritted her teeth, feeling nervous, because she knew very well that as long as Xiao Yu had a little thought, her soul would be taken away!

Countless branches seemed to sprout all over the sky, filling her soul space.


Suddenly, Xiao Yu's heart moved as he stared at a place in Duan Mu Shilan's soul space.

Immediately afterwards, countless branches began to gather crazily towards that place.

"what happened!?"


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