Shura God Emperor

Chapter 4691: Was found

And it is thousands of miles away.

At this time, Mu Teng and Mu Family Sixth Elder Mu Ju, as well as more than ten Mu Family guards, had been rushing for two days and two nights. There were less than three days before they could rush to Shenmu Valley.

Leading the way is Muju and a few guards, the middle is Muteng, and the back is the captain of the guard.

After all, the Mu family still has certain enemies in the Coffin Continent, and Mu Teng is also a pure alchemist, so he will be guarded by masters when he travels, but this time it is the elder.

The name of the captain of the guard this time was Mu Feng, a master of the younger generation of the Mu family, who had just arrived in the Huayu realm.

"Brother Feng, why did Master Mu Teng go in such a hurry this time? And he still went to Shenmu Valley! Even the Six Elders came together" A long-haired young man hurried on the road and looked at the figure in the middle of the team.

Mu Feng took a deep breath and solemnly said: "I don't know this, but since the elders led the team to Shenmu Valley, it must be no small matter."

"If I remember well, it has been three years since Master Mu Teng went to Shenmu Valley!" The long-haired young man said again.

"Yes, I also remember that in the past the annual sacrificial ceremonies were held in our Liuquan Valley, so Master Mu Teng didn't need to go out at all. In addition, there were many people who visited him from the mainland from the outer plane, and Master Mu Teng did not even use went out."

"There must be something big!"

These young guards discussed in a low voice.

To some extent, Mu Teng is the most prominent person in the Mu family, and even to the outside world, Mu Teng's status is higher than that of their masters!

Heavenly Spirit Alchemist!

Moreover, it can be said that most of the Mu Family's relationships and power families were brought back through Mu Teng.

Who does not know Mu Teng in the Coffin Mainland?

"Hurry up, no need to talk nonsense!"

The wooden horse in front gave a cold cry.

The young guards shrank their necks and stopped discussing them.

Ten minutes after the group hurried, Mu Teng's eyes flashed suddenly, and he stopped suddenly.


The wooden horse in front of him reacted first, and immediately stopped.

"Alert!" Mu Feng yelled, everyone surrounded him, and then looked around warily.

"Are there any enemies?" Mu Ju frowned and asked.

How could his six sense induction be very strong, because he is also in the Huayu Realm, but compared to the soul practitioner who specializes in cultivating consciousness induction, or the alchemist of the heavenly spirit realm, of course it is a bit worse.

Mu Teng's eyes flickered, and he said meaningfully: "They seem to have found it."

"What did you find?" Mu Ju asked again.

Mu Teng said: "Remember what I said three years ago?"

Mu Ju's heart moved and said, "You mean, that girl found it?"

Then Mu Ju said in a puzzled manner: "But didn't you say that it is impossible to find out with the cultivation base of Shenmugu's people?"

"I don't know, but I can feel that this person has a pure soul. Since he has a way to find my'Ten Thousand Bushes', it means that this person may have begun to doubt."

When Mu Ju thought of something, his eyes flashed to kill him, and said, "That means this person is not easy."

"Well, you guys take a break for a while, I'll go to him for a while, I am interested in this soul."

Mu Teng smiled lightly, his eyes somewhat inexplicably meaningful.

Muju waved his hand and said to everyone, "Resting on the spot, watch out for your surroundings!"


"You be careful." Mu Ju solemnly told.

It is that the masters of Shenmugu are not capable of discovering the things that are in the mind. This person can find it, it must be not easy.

"Don't worry, Ten Thousand Bushes is the soul taboo secret that I have learned from outside experience. I have to use a little bit of effort to crack it. No one in the coffin mainland can crack it." Mu Teng said with a sense of arrogance.

Only then did Mu Ju feel relieved, even though Mu Teng's rise took only ten years, and then he changed from the family's ordinary alchemist to the now famous alchemist on the entire plane, and even his reputation spread to the heavenly spirit alchemist on the outer plane.

But since Mu Teng can rise, it must have his ability.


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