Shura God Emperor

Chapter 4700: Come to the bottom

Although Duanmuxuan could explain that the elder was waiting for everyone on the spot during the battle, it was just that they used their own perspective to help their tribesmen to wash away this suspicion, thereby refuting Xiao Yu.

But obviously, what Xiao Yu said is more reasonable and more normal!

Mu Shilan in the middle of the picking team is the center. The normal leader should not think of the most important person in the first place?

But according to Duan Mu Shilan's statement, the elder did not leave, but waited for Duan Mu Shilan and the others in place!

"Is he injured?" Xiao Yu asked again

"It doesn't seem to..." Duan Mu Shilan shook her head.

"How long did the battle last?"

"It seems to be fast, although the breath fluctuates greatly, but it lasts for about two or three minutes, I went to those people no longer whereabouts."

Xiao Yu said indifferently: "I remember you told me that the elixir you picked at that time had to wait ten minutes. In other words, when you rush to the elder's side, it won't take more than half an hour, right?"

Duan Mu Shilan is very smart. She seems to have realized what Xiao Yu is going to say, but she still bit her red lips with a kind and simple heart, and said: "Perhaps the elder was fighting at the time and couldn't get away at all."

This time, Luo Feng said in astonishment: "Impossible! The fight only lasts for two or three minutes. During the ten minutes you have been waiting for, he should have rushed to you to protect you as soon as possible! Because you might be threatened, he should also come to you! But he didn't. He is waiting for you in place!"

Duanmu Shilan's face was pale, and her whole body was dull.

"How come..." Duanmu Huai was also stunned.

Even if Duanmuhuai and Duanmuxuan were not as smart as Duanmu Shilan, they still understood the meaning of Xiao Yu's words after all.

Xiao Yu was talking about the taboo in Duanmu Shilan's soul, is it the elder's hand!

The three of them were silent, Xiao Yu's next words finally made Duan Mu Shilan and the others unable to explain.

Xiao Yu said again: "Just now you told me that the only thing that was wrong, or even something that you thought was irrelevant, was that when you returned to the elder, your soul fluctuated a bit, and you couldn't find the reason afterwards. "

"How come, how back..." Duan Mu Shilan's face was not bloody, and her heart sank to the bottom.

Duanmu Huai was dumbfounded, because of all this, for them, when they think about it, the truth seems to have come to light.

Luo Feng said in surprise: "That is..."

But at this time, Xiao Yu stopped Luo Feng, apparently telling him not to continue talking.

Luo Feng glanced at the three of them, their faces were very ugly.

Xiao Yu shook his head secretly in his heart. It is no wonder that Duanmu Shilan, the daughter of the Duanmu Patriarch, the young lady of the Duanmu Family, and she is still a genius in alchemy, was actually framed by her own three years ago!

And this person who framed himself has a high chance of being bought by the other party.

Yes, the answer is obvious. The elder who led the team did not look for Duan Mu Shilan at that time. The reason was that there must be a formation around him. This formation was waiting for Duan Mu Shilan to walk in by herself, and then quietly. The effect of sound is on her soul.

As for why you didn't look for Duanmu Shilan, there are probably two. The first is that this kind of taboo level is very high, and it is an outsider who cannot use it.

The second reason is that even if the elder can really use it, then there will be flaws that will be discovered by Duanmu Shilan.

This is far more risky than Duan Mu Shilan breaking into the taboo formation.

The atmosphere was very frozen, but Xiao Yu broke the silence and said, "Strictly speaking, this is your family's own business. You don't have to tell me who the elder is, and how to deal with it is your own business."

"But as far as I know, over the years, many of your people have taken refuge in them."


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