Shura God Emperor

Chapter 4701: The "people" behind (Part 1)

Duanmu Shilan and the three left Xiao Yu's room with a heavy atmosphere.

To be honest, this incident was really too shocking for them.

No one thought that such a small detail that was inadvertently, even ignored at the time, turned out to be the key to Duanmu Shilan's inability to practice in the past three years!

And this key, their entire family didn't pay attention to it at the time, and it was discovered by a foreigner.

"Elder Huai, what he said..." Duanmuxuan broke the silence.

Duanmuhuai was very uncomfortable in his whole mind and body. Although he didn't believe it ten thousand times, he still believed Xiao Yu's last words——

"But as far as I know, over the years, many of your people have taken refuge in them."

Yes, is it that they are very clear that in recent years, some people have indeed taken refuge in the increasingly powerful Mu family.

But these are their own choices. They did not say that they betrayed the family. After all, people want to go to a higher level. There is no problem for people to go to higher places. What's more, they worship at the annual sacrificial meeting. They are still the same ancestor.

So, that elder is eating inside and out now!

That is completely different from taking refuge in the Mu Family!

"I don't know, my heart is messed up." Duanmu Huai sighed all his life.

He didn't even know whether to talk to the Great Elder, because once he said something, the Great Elder would definitely take action.

But this is also equivalent to pulling out that inner ghost!

The consequences? Do you kill yourself?

This is a big crime!

Because Duanmu Shilan has been tortured for three years!

Three years, saying that it is not long, it is not too short.

If Duanmu Shilan hadn't been because of that three years ago, she was already a Celestial Spirit alchemist at this time, and it might even have gone to the outer planes for further training!

Seeing Duanmu Shilan's silence, Duanmuxuan took a deep breath and said, "There is another question, those people, I don't know who it is."

"Who is important?" Duan Muhuai said weakly.

Duanmuxuan's lips seemed to move, but after all, he remained silent.

Yeah, does it matter who those people are?

First, Duan Mu Shilan's losses in the past three years are irreparable, and they do have their own people betray their own people!

Of course, if you really want to study carefully, in the Coffin Continent, although there are many second- and third-rate families who want to replace the Duanmu family in Shenmu Valley, who is not afraid of the Mu family?

To some extent, the Duanmu family is behind the Mu family!

In addition, bad boats also have three-point nails. Who dares to really provoke them? Are you afraid that the fish will die? Aren't you afraid of the town?

"Shilan, this matter must be reported." Duanmu Huai looked at Duanmu Shilan.

Duanmu Shilan's father is the master of Shenmugu, if this matter spreads, the elder will definitely be punished.

For the kind-hearted Duan Mu Shilan, she definitely couldn't do it.

"Give me some time to think about it." Duan Mu Shilan shook her head, and then went back to the room alone.

"Elder Huai." Duanmuxuan called out.

Looking at that back figure, Duan Muhuai sighed: "Although I don't want to accept it, that kid is still a little capable. This should not be wrong, but with Shilan's character, I think I will let him go quietly. ."

Duan Muxuan nodded, and that figure appeared in his mind, and there was something uncomfortable in his heart.

Duanmuhuai patted Duanmuxuan on the shoulder, and said, "Now all you have to do is stand behind Shilan and support her. You don't care about the others."

Duan Muxuan nodded, his eyes firmed.

Shilan must be mine.


"It's too sad Brother Yu, but I think, with Miss Duanmu's character, this matter will probably not disturb too many members of the family."

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